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Magnus wanted to scold Alec and shout at him for drinking too much and losing himself in front of a guy who was trying to ask him out, but when he saw Alec’s eyes, his heart melted. But he wanted to get things straightened. 

“Alexander it’s about your handsome friend…” Magnus said.

“Underhill?” Alec asked.

“You STILL think he’s handsome?” Magnus rolled his eyes.

Alec shrugged and smiled “What is it so?”

“Why did you stay at the bar with Underhill when everyone else left?” Magnus asked.

“I was waiting for you baby…” Alec said.

“So why did Underhill stay with you?” Magnus asked.

“Maybe because he was also waiting for someone…no idea…” Alec said.

“So yesterday, at the bar…you two were alone…” Magnus said “and he asked you out…do you remember?” 

“He did what? He’s gay? I don’t remember anything…” Alec said thinking.

“You didn’t understand that he was hitting on you?” Magnus asked.

Alec shook his head.

Magnus was so annoyed. “How many times have I told you not to drink so much when I’m not with you?”  he asked frowning.

“I just drank a few glasses…” Alec said.

“If those few glasses got you drunk…don’t ever drink like that when I’m not there…” Magnus said.

“But you were there baby…” Alec said grinning and kissing Magnus’s hand.

“Alexander” Magnus said pulling his hand.

Alec was surprised to see Magnus angry.

“Alexander this is not funny at all” Magnus said frowning. “Another guy was hitting on you…and you think that’s funny? And most of all you’ve been spending more time with this guy than you did with me for the past few weeks…” 

“Mags, I’m sorry…I didn’t know that he was hitting on me…I was wrong...” Alec said stroking Magnus’s shoulder.

Magnus rolled his eyes, he was still annoyed.

“Mags are you jealous?” Alec laughed lightly. “You are jealous aren’t you?” Alec asked.

“NO! Why would I be jealous? I don’t get jealous…” Magnus said looking away. 

“Come here you idiot” Alec said pulling Magnus into a tight hug and rolled him over so that Alec was on top of Magnus. Magnus turned his face away from Alec trying not to look at him.

“I’ll never drink too much…I promise” Alec said “Will you forgive me?” Alec asked.

Magnus still had his face turned sideways not looking at Alec.

Alec kissed on Magnus’s cheek. Still there was no reaction from Magnus. Then Alec placed soft pecks starting from the temple down to his collar bone.

“Will. You. Forgive. Me?” he asked saying every word between a kiss. He turned Magnus’s face towards him. 

Magnus was resisting all Alec’s kisses trying to stay angry at him.

Once Alec turned Magnus’s face towards him, Magnus closed his eyes. 

“So you are playing hard to get ah?” Alec said. “I love a challenge” he said and sat up putting his legs on either sides of Magnus while Magnus was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

Alec started to tickle Magnus. Magnus tried his best to resist the tickling but he couldn’t resist anymore and he started to laugh. 

“Haha see…” Alec said laughing “tell me that you forgive me…or I won’t stop tickling you” Alec said. 

“Okay…Al…Alexa…Alexander stop stop…I forgive you…” Magnus said.

Alec quickly bent over and kissed on Magnus’s lips. “See that was easy” he said smiling. 

Magnus put his arms around Alec’s neck and pulled him close. “How about we have that breakfast which we stopped in the middle?” he grinned.

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