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"Magnus!!" Izzy said and ran to him and hugged him "are you okay?"

" arm hurts a little...but I'm's a small cut" Magnus said.

"Luke, where's dad? Where's my Alexander? Are they okay?" he asked turning towards Luke.

Luke and Izzy looked at each other.

"What!! Why are you not telling me?" he shouted.

"Magnus..." Izzy said sitting next to him and keeping her hand on his shoulder "Alec and Asmodeus, both are in surgery"

Magnus's eyes filled with tears "Will they be okay?"

Izzy looked at Luke and nodded.

"Magnus, your father was shot at a very dangerous place, the doctors said that they will do their best to save him...Alec broke his leg in 2 places and his surgery will finish in a few minutes"

Magnus's mind went completely blank for a few seconds "it's all because of me...they are suffering because of me..."

"Magnus don't say that; this didn't happen because of happened because of your psychotic step brother" Izzy said.

"Did you catch him?" Magnus asked.

"He was able to get away...but our teams are looking for him" Luke said.

"I need to go...I want to see my father and Alexander" Magnus said trying to remove his cannula.

"Magnus!" Izzy said in a very dominative tone pushing him down "you can leave after your IV drip is done"

Magnus sighed and waited. And as soon as it was done, he got discharged and went to the waiting room near the theatre.

He was sitting with his head in his hands. Izzy was so uneasy, she was walking up and down the corridor checking the time.

Simon was also sitting next to Magnus and feeling nervous.

Finally, the doctor came outside.

"Doctor" Magnus, Izzy and Simon, all three ran to him.

"How is Alexander?" Magnus asked.

The doctor took a deep breath and smiled. "He's okay, but he won't be able to walk for a few can see him as soon as he is sent to his room"

All 3 of them sighed in relief.

"Thank god he's okay" Izzy said.

Magnus sat again still feeling nervous.

"Magnus, we should go check on your father, until Alec is transferred to his room" Simon said understanding the tense look on Magnus.

Magnus nodded and went to see his father. They waited for almost one hour outside the theatre till the doctor came.

Unlike for Alec, there were some police officers in front of the door as well.

The doctor saw Magnus and the others as she came outside, so she walked to them.

"Magnus" she said.

"Doctor Dorothea" Magnus said "How is my father?"

Dr. Dorothea was their family doctor, and she knew about every detail of the family.

"Magnus, it's really hard for me to tell you if he is going to make it...we did our best to stop his bleeding...but he had already lost a lot of blood...we will have to wait for a few hours to see if he regains his consciousness...if he does, he'll be out of danger" she said putting her hand on Magnus's shoulder "let's hope for the best okay?"

Magnus nodded with tears in his eyes.

Izzy hugged Magnus trying to comfort him.

"We should go see Alexander" Magnus said wiping off his tears.


There was a knock on Alec's door. "Come in" he said.

"Alexander!!" Magnus said with tears in his eyes.

"Magnus are you okay? I was worried sick" Alec said holding Magnus's hand.

"I'm fine..." Magnus said

"Big brother!" Izzy said and hugged him.

"Ah...ouch Izz it hurts" Alec groaned in pain.

"Oh my God I'm sorry" Izzy said backing off and Alec smiled in pain "it's fine"

"I'm glad you are okay" Simon said. Alec nodded and then looked at Magnus who was staring at Alec's leg and his injured body with all the scratches and wounds.

"Guys can I have a minute with Magnus" Alec said.

"Sure big brother...we'll come later" Izzy said giving a kiss on his check and left.

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