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Next morning he woke up early and got ready to go to work. He made some pancakes and kept some for Jace to eat when he wakes up later. He set a note on the table saying “Went to work! Eat the pancakes!”
He arrived early at the office. And as soon as he arrived he sat at his desk and started to work. “Good morning Alec” greeted Meliorn “did you finish the report from last week?” he asked 
“Good morning Meliorn…yes I will leave it at your desk” Alec replied
“Okay…wanna grab some coffee?” he asked “No just had breakfast…You go ahead” Alec replied and smiled.
Meliorn was their team leader and Alec’s senior from College. He respected Meliorn a lot and Meliorn also admired Alec’s work. Alec was a talented architect. 
“Guys it’s time for the meeting” Aldertree called. He was their department head.
Everyone gathered in the meeting room. “Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend…” Aldertree spoke “we have a new member in our department…please come in” he called out.
“Everyone meet Magnus Bane, our newest interior designer.” Magnus entered the room smiling. 
At the sound of that name Alec turned to stone and he became pale. He couldn’t believe his ears. He wanted to hide… so he slowly slid to the corner of the room where he was not visible.
“Hello everyone, I’m Magnus Bane, it’s a pleasure to meet you and I can’t wait to start working with you” He smiled 
“Meliorn…Magnus will be in your team” Aldertree said and Meliorn waved to say okay. 
“Magnus you don’t have to worry Meliorn is a good mentor… he will help you to adjust to our company… and don’t worry about any formalities…this company is not like any other… it’s very casual and informal…you will get used to it” Aldertree said and Magnus smiled in agreement.
“Alec” Aldertree suddenly called his name.
Alec froze. What the hell Aldertree why did you call my name? I’m so doomed…shit…’ Alec was thinking to himself ‘I can’t…I just can’t.
Magnus was surprised to hear that familiar name.
“Alec where are you?” Aldertree spoke again and then he spotted Alec in the corner “Alec you’ve been in the company for 1 year now…please will you show Magnus around…he’s in your team”
Alec was speechless “Yeah…sure” was the only thing that came out of his mouth.  
After the meeting, Alec saw Magnus walking towards him “Hi Alexander” Magnus called “I didn’t know that I will find you here…I couldn’t say goodbye to you yesterday”
“Hi, I didn’t know that I will meet you here either” Alec replied without looking at him.
“You wanna grab something to eat? It’s almost lunchtime now” Magnus asked hoping to get a positive answer.

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