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Alec was in his room when he was reminded of the missed calls and messages on his phone earlier.

Oh shit I forgot to call mom…he thought. But now it was too late it was almost 11 pm in New York and probably 4 in the morning in London.

So he sent her a message. Mom everything is solved. I’ll call you in the morning. Love you. And he went to sleep thinking about Magnus and the time they spent. 

Next day early morning Magnus woke up and he made breakfast. He was happy to see Alec smiling and coming downstairs.  

“Seeing the cute smile early in the morning after a long time” Magnus said while giving Alec his plate.

Alec smiled. “Ohhh…Waffles…” Alec said.

“You don’t like it?” Magnus quickly asked.

“I love it…I’m reminded of the first day that I had your waffles…I missed this” Alec said looking at Magnus.

Magnus leaned and gave a kiss on Alec’s cheek “You don’t have to miss it anymore…all you need to do is tell me now…I’ll make them for you” Magnus said and they finished their breakfast together.

It was their first day as a proper couple.
Alec deeply inhaled and asked “ready?”
“Ready as I can ever be” Magnus said smiling.

They held hands and walked towards the lecture halls. They saw Aiden and Josh walking towards them.

“Alec…what happened to you I was worried man…” Josh said hugging Alec. Then he noticed that Alec was holding Magnus’s hand.

“You two?” Josh asked pointing at their hands “You two dating?” he asked confused.

Alec nodded smiling. He was turning red.

“Magnus?” Aiden said and hugged him. “Seeing you after a long time…”
Magnus fist bumped him. 

“Oh so this is the Magnus Bane you two were talking about yesterday?” Josh asked.

“Yeah that’s him” Aiden said. “I knew something was up when you asked about him and suddenly ran off Alec” Aiden chuckled.

“Thanks to you Aiden…I cleared up my misunderstanding…” Alec said patting Aiden’s shoulder.

Aiden and Josh smiled and congratulated the new couple. 
“We should get going now or we’ll be late for the lectures” Magnus said.

“Yeah let’s disperse” Aiden said and gave a quick kiss to Josh and left for the lecture.

Alec looked at Magnus “I’ll see you after the lecture…” he said and stroke Magnus’s cheek. 

Magnus nodded and waved them good bye.

During the lunch break the boys planned on going on a double date during the weekend.

“So guys and Rousseau’s at 6.00pm on Saturday?” Josh asked.

“Yeah sure…we’ll be there” Alec said holding Magnus’s hand. “Now I have to go to work…” he said looking at Magnus.

Alec stood up still holding Magnus’s hand. He bent down and whispered in Magnus’s ear “See you at home…I’ll buy dinner on the way”. Then he kissed Magnus on the cheek and waved them good bye. 

At work Alec was smiling the whole time thinking about Magnus.

“Something good happened?” Meliorn asked.
Alec smiled “You know what…you were right…we never know what might happen…” Alec said still smiling to himself.

Meliorn raised an eyebrow confused.
“I’m dating…” Alec said 
“Wow…who’s the lucky guy?” Meliorn asked
“Someone you know…” Alec said smiling.

Meliorn looked at Alec for a while “Magnus?” he asked.

Alec nodded smiling and blushing.
“Dude…I knew it…I sensed something between you two…congratulations Alec, I’m so happy for you…” Meliorn hugged Alec.

“It’s almost 7…I should get home…Magnus must be waiting…” Alec said looking at the time and he closed his laptop.

“You two live together? Wow that’s quite a progress Alec…I didn’t know you were this…this progressive…” Meliorn said.

“Uhmm…that’s not what happened…I promise I’ll explain later…but I need to get going now.” Alec said and quickly packed his stuff to go home.

“You better explain” Meliorn teased.

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