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“Alexander, my father gave me a new secretary.” Magnus said sighing.

“That’s good right?” Alec asked.

“Just a normal secretary would have been great, but this girl is the daughter of another millionaire who owns another construction and architectural company…” Magnus said still holding Alec’s hand.

“So is that bad?” Alec said not understanding why Magnus was upset.

Magnus sighed and looked at Alec, Alec you are so naive, Magnus thought.

Alec narrowed his eyes slanted his head and looked at Magnus for answers.

“You don’t get it Alexander?” Magnus asked.

“Get what?” Alec asked now playing with Magnus’s fingers.

“Alexander this is serious!” Magnus said, and Alec stopped fooling around and listened to Magnus.

“My father wants me to marry her…” Magnus said.

“What the…” Alec said suddenly standing up. “What?” he asked looking at Magnus.

Alec couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Your father wants you to marry a girl?” Alec asked “I thought…I thought your father knew that you were gay…”

“Alexander, I’m actually not gay…I’m bisexual” Magnus said. 

“Wait what?” Alec was alarmed “I mean…I…I don’t have a problem with that…but…I…” Alec was stuttering and just stared at Magnus and dropped himself on the sofa. He felt anxious once more. 

Magnus understood that Alec was shocked. He had talked to Meliorn about Alec. So he knew.


“Meliorn, I want to talk to you about something” Magnus said after calling Meliorn to his office.

“Yes, Mr. Bane…” Meliorn said.

“Oh common, call me Magnus when we are alone…” Magnus sighed.

Meliorn laughed. “Okay Magnus tell me…”

“I want to know about Alec…about his past…it’s not that I can’t ask him…I know that his father left them, and I’m scared if I do ask him, that it will renew all his wounds…” Magnus said “I know you were and are a close friend of him…I don’t have anyone to ask this from…I felt like he had some sort of a panic attack”

Meliorn took a deep breath. “Magnus…” he paused “Alec sometimes has anxiety attacks…it’s like a separation anxiety attack…it started after his father left them…and he also had anger issues, he took treatments for some time, and he did okay after sometime” Meliorn said. 

Magnus was shocked to hear that, he felt really sad. “I didn’t know” was all he could say.

“He didn’t have these attacks for a long time, as I know, he had one when Jace went missing 3 years ago, he was devastated because he thought that Jace had left them just like his father, but then again Jace returned home and everything was fine...Until…” he paused and looked at Magnus.

“Until he knew I was the director…” Magnus competed the sentence.

“Yeah…but I tried to calm him down and I know that y’all solved the problem…he was scared that you might leave him too” Meliorn said.

Magnus felt the pain that Alec must have gone through.

(End of flashback)

“Alec…Alexander…calm down please…” Magnus said worried that Alec might collapse. 

Magnus noticed that Alec was sweating.

“Hey, hey…” Magnus hugged him. “don’t worry, I will never leave you Alexander, you are my life, I won’t lose you…” he said. “Alexander I just wanted you to know…okay? That woman doesn’t mean anything to me…and I will never marry her” 

“Magnus, I…I’m scared…” Alec said. “What if your father forcefully makes you marry her?” Alec asked.

“No love, you don’t have to worry about that, I’ll take care of that…I just told you about her so that you would know…I don’t want to keep any secrets from you” Magnus said kissing Alec’s cheek.

Alec turned towards Magnus and hugged him. “Please don’t leave me” he said.

“Never Alexander, I will never leave you” Magnus said stroking Alec’s back.

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