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Alec was running through the crowd looking for the man. "Hey hey!!!" he called out. But the man ran at a very high speed. Alec didn't want to give up so he ran behind him.

Meanwhile Magnus was nervous to get on the Ferris wheel without Alec. So he told Maryse that he'd stay and asked the two of them to get on the wheel. Then he went in search of Alec.

Alec lost sight of the man as he disappeared into the crowd. Alec looked around but he couldn't spot the man. He saw Magnus walking towards him and he ran to Magnus.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Alec asked.

"I came looking for you...why did you suddenly run off?" Magnus asked.

"I thought I saw someone" Alec said still looking around.

"Who did you see Alec?" Magnus asked.

"A man in black, wearing a black cap...he was there at the Uni cafeteria as well" Alec said.

"A man in black?" Magnus asked and his mood quickly changed "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal...I forgot about it" Alec said.

"Alec stay close to me okay? Don't go anywhere alone" Magnus said with a concerned look.

"Why? What is it?" Alec asked suddenly feeling scared.

"I think it's one of my father's's better to stay close to me" Magnus said and grabbed Alec's arm and dragged him inside a small shop.

"Let's stay here until Maryse and Max comes back" Magnus said.

"Okay" Alec agreed.

The whole day when they were at the amusement park Magnus didn't take his eyes off Alec. Alec was also concerned but he didn't know why Magnus was this scared.

"Today was fun" Max said when they got home. "Thank you Magnus" Max said and hugged Magnus.

"Thank you to you too Max...I haven't had this much fun in a long time" Magnus said.

Maryse hugged Magnus "We'll be returning to London in a week... should we have dinner when you are free?" Maryse asked.

"Yes!! I'll cook for you!" Magnus said.

"You can cook?" Maryse asked.

"He's the greatest chef I know" Alec said smiling and putting his arm over Magnus's shoulder.

Magnus smiled shyly.

"Okay then, let's do that" Maryse said smiling. "Jace and Clary will be coming tomorrow so they can join us too right? If it's okay with Magnus...we can have some family time" Maryse asked.

"Of course no problem, we should ask Simon and Izzy to join too" Magnus said.

"Yes!" Maryse said. "Okay boys. I'll retire to bed now...see you soon Magnus"

"Good night Maryse" Magnus said.

Maryse walked into her room.

"Alexander, I should leave too...I have some more planning to finish for Josh's big day tomorrow" Magnus said.

"Okay baby" Alec said and kissed Magnus on the cheek "See you tomorrow"

Alec leaned and gave a quick kiss on the lips.

"See you tomorrow handsome" Magnus said and waved him goodbye.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now