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The next few days were peaceful for both Alec and Magnus. Alec came back to work and he was able to see Magnus the whole day. He was pleased to see how Magnus waved at him from his room once in a while and smiled with those gorgeous eyes.

Alec also saw the new secretary walking in and out of the room several times a day, he didn't feel too anxious but he did feel a little jealous. They now had less freedom because of her...they couldn't have their little secret make out sessions often.

"Alec, Magnus wants to see you in his office" Aline said.

Alec smiled, took a file and walked to Magnus's room. "You called for me?" he asked. He noticed that Hayley was standing next to Magnus with a load of files.

"Yes Mr. Lightwood..." Magnus said "Would you be free this evening after work? We have a new project so I would like to discuss it with you and Hayley personally" he said.

"Yes...yes Mr. Bane" he replied and smiled and went back to his desk.

After work, Magnus, Alec and Hayley discussed about their new project idea.

"Okay then, Hayley you can make the documents we need to get the approval and Mr. Lightwood you will have to finish the designs by next week" Magnus said.

Both Hayley and Alec nodded.

"Okay then the meeting is over, you can go home" Magnus said smiling.

Hayley and Alec stood up and gathered their stuff.

"Mr. Lightwood, I need you to take a few minutes and check this...Hayley you may leave." Magnus said handing over a file to Alec.

Alec raised one eyebrow and gave a confused expression as he took the file.

As soon as Hayley left the room, Magnus grabbed Alec by his waist and pinned him to the wall, their faces only a few inches apart. "Mags what are you doing?" Alec asked alarmed.

"God I missed you so much..." he said and started to wildly kiss Alec on his lips.

"Someone might see..." Alec said in between the kiss.

"Everyone went home" Magnus said as he continued to unbutton Alec's shirt.

Alec was lost in the pleasure of Magnus's kisses and gave in.

Magnus worked his way to Alec neck while he touched Alec's delicate abs. Alec gave out moans of pleasure as Magnus touched and licked every inch of his upper body. They were lost in the moment.

Suddenly they heard a loud noise.

Magnus and Alec snapped back to their senses and turned around to see Hayley.

"Oh no" was the only thing Magnus could say.

Alec quickly buttoned his shirt and straightened up.

"I...I...uh...should" Hayley stammered and suddenly turned to walk away.

"Wait, Hayley..." Magnus said.

Hayley froze.

"Hayley, let me explain...what you saw was..." Magnus couldn't finish the sentence.

"I know what I saw Magnus..." Hayley said turning towards Magnus. "And I knew from the day Alec came back to work, that you were in love... the way you looked at each other...your eyes said everything..." she said.

Magnus was surprised to hear that. "Hayley...I...I know our fathers have proposed me to you...but..." Magnus paused.

"It's okay Magnus...anyways I was against this marriage from the start...because...because...I'm in love with someone else." She said.

Magnus and Alec both felt relieved in a weird way.

"And Magnus, I won't tell your father about this...don't worry. I promise" Hayley said and smiled.

Magnus smiled "Thank you Hayley".

She smiled again and walked away.

Magnus hugged Alec.

"Now we don't need to worry about her right?" Alec asked.

"Yes baby, we don't have to" Magnus said hugging Alec. "Everything will be fine now"

Now that they didn't have anything to worry about, they were happy as ever. But what they didn't know was that Asmodeus had eyes everywhere, all over the company. He traced every move of Magnus.

Next day when Alec and Magnus walked into their department, they saw that everyone was looking stressed and were looking at Alec.

Magnus went into his room and Alec walked to his desk.

Meliorn without a word showed a notice which was uploaded to their company's internal system.

"What!!!" Alec said in a loud voice as soon as he saw the notice.

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