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The next day Alec woke up early in the morning and got ready to go to Uni. He went downstairs to see if Magnus was awake. 

He was surprised to see that Magnus has already made breakfast for him.

“Good morning Alexander” he greeted.

“Good morning Magnus” Alec smiled.

“It’s almost 7.30 you should quickly get going…” Magnus said.

“But we need to talk…”Alec said.

“We can talk when you get home” Magnus said and smiled.

“Okay…I’ll be late though…after I finish lectures I have to go to office…so I’ll be back around 7.00pm” Alec said.

“Okayy Alexander…we’ll talk when you come back…I won’t go anywhere…” Magnus said and waved him goodbye.

Alec was at his Uni and there he met his old friends Josh and Sebastian.

“Hey guys” Alec greeted them and they went together for their lectures.

During lunch break they sat at the same table because they had a lot of catching up to do. All 3 were pretty busy because of their work so they couldn’t meet after they got out of college.

“So Alec are you still single?” Sebastian asked.

Alec just smiled remembering about Magnus.

“Dude are you seriously still single?” Josh asked.

“Look who’s talking? Aren’t you single too?” Sebastian asked teasing Josh
“Not for long” he said looking at the boy who was sitting at the next table.

“Josh don’t tell me you like Aiden?” Alec asked.

“Why? Do you like him?” Josh asked teasing him.

Alec rolled his eyes “No dude…”
“Wasn’t he the student who got the highest grades in the psychology department” Alec asked.

Josh was still looking at Aiden and Aiden was smiling back.

“Yeah he was the guy” Sebastian said “it looks like he likes you” Sebastian said to Josh.

“Let’s see if he does” Josh stood up and walked towards Aiden.
Alec knew that his friend was straight forward with everything but this was pretty surprising.

“Learn from him” Sebastien said to Alec.

Alec laughed… “Sebs I have to go to work now…tell Josh that I’m left…” Alec took his bag stood up and waved at Sebastian and left.

Alec went to office and he was stuck with a load of work.

He heard his phone ring
“Hello” he answered
“Alexander it’s me…it’s almost 7… are you working overtime?” 
“Magnus I’m sorry I’ll be home around 8.30 can you fix something for dinner?” 
“Yeah sure I’ll make dinner Alexander…see you” Magnus said and kept the phone.

Alec was feeling nervous but at the same time he was excited to know what Magnus had to tell him. He was hoping for it to be a positive answer.

“Alec…” Someone called from behind
Alec turned to see Aldertree.
“Alec…it’s almost 7.30…you should go home now…”he said.

“I’ll finish this off and go” Alec replied
“No…no…it’s fine…you must be tired after the lectures… complete this tomorrow okay? Go home now” Aldertree said and he left the office.

Yess! Alec thought. Now I can go home quickly and talk to Magnus. He smiled to himself and quickly got in his car and drove home.

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