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Magnus stood in front of Alec with tears in his eyes.

“Hey…hey…” Alec quickly stood up and went close to Magnus when he saw him “Why are you crying Mags? Did I do something wrong?” Alec asked hugging Magnus and comforting him. 

Magnus shook his head.

“Then? What happened?” Alec asked in a soft voice.

He showed Alec the letter. “I don’t know what to say Alexander” he said still holding Alec tightly. 

“Alexander, I will always be there for you…I will never leave you” Magnus said.

Alec pulled back and wiped the tears off Magnus’s face. “Hey…” Alec said stroking Magnus’s face, “I know…we’ll make this work” he said. 

“Come let’s watch a movie now” Alec said kissing Magnus next to his eyes.

They cuddled together on the sofa and watched the movie together. And slowly they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Next morning, when Alec woke up he realized that Magnus was still sleeping in his arms. Without waking Magnus up he slowly tried to go into the kitchen. But it was not a success.

“Alexander don’t go…” Magnus held onto his arm.

“Mags, we need to get ready now…we might get late” Alec said and pulled Magnus out of the sofa. 

“Sleepy head come let’s get ready” Alec said.

“Okay…” Magnus sighed “Can’t we stay at home today?” he asked.

“No we can’t…now you go get ready and come while I make breakfast” Alec said.

Magnus sighed and went to get ready. 
Magnus got ready and sleepily walked towards Alec who was already ready to go to Uni.

Alec was still cooking so Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec from behind and hugged him. “I want to stay at home with you…” he said.

Alec smiled. “Do you really want to stay at home?” Alec asked.

Magnus unwrapped his arms and turned Alec towards him and wrapped his arms around Alec’s neck and gave a quick kiss on the lips and said “Yes… I want to stay with you.”

Alec switched off the stove.

“Okay let’s stay then…but it’s only for today okay? I have to go to work around 12…” Alec said.

Magnus gave a kiss on Alec’s neck and said “okay” smiling. 

“You are making it so hard for me to resist you Magnus Bane” saying that Alec lifted Magnus onto the counter and started to kiss him.

The kiss deepened as Magnus parted his lips letting Alec to play with their tongues. Magnus tightened his legs gripped around Alec’s waist pulling him closer. His hands were around Alec’s neck. 

Alec slowly moved to kiss Magnus’s earlobe and then to kiss his neck, making Magnus to give out small gasps of pleasure. 

Alec lifted Magnus from the counter and carried him to his bedroom which was next to the kitchen. 

Without breaking the kiss Alec sat on the bed with Magnus on his lap. Taking the advantage of being on the bed Magnus pushed Alec onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Starting from Alec’s forehead he kissed him on the eyes continuing to his earlobes, nose, lips and finally his neck. 

Alec turned Magnus over and kissed him hard until their lips were swollen, then he tried to take off his t-shirt but Magnus stopped him. 

Alec pulled back confused.

“Alexander…let’s take it slow…” he said.
Alec nodded and smiled. Then Magnus pulled him closer and gave a kiss on Alec’s cheek. “Let’s go and have breakfast.” he said.

“Let’s go” Alec said kissing Magnus on the forehead. 

While they were having breakfast Alec asked “We have about 4 hours till I go to work…what do you wanna do till then?” 

“Hmm…” Magnus thought “Should we go buy some more paint? I have some paintings to do” he said.

“Yes…let’s do that…” Alec said.

“And Alexander can I tag along with you to go to work? I want to see how my friends are doing…I haven’t seen them in months…” Magnus said not knowing if he will agree.

“Okay…let’s do that…” Alec said smiling.

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