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Alec packed his laptop and the all the needed material he had to take with him to the other department. It was not a department he liked as it only had a little to do with designing, it was more like executing the plans and going on intense site visits which he disliked.

I will have to bear with all this pain for Magnus, he thought and took a deep breath. You can do this Alec, you are talented than you think, he thought and took all his stuff and followed Aldertree to meet his new department head after bidding goodbye to his teammates.

Aline, Meliorn and Nora were devastated to see Alec leave. But they were helpless in this situation.

The new department was one floor above his previous department. He walked behind Aldertree and saw a middle aged man standing there waiting for him.

"Hello Alec, I'm Victor Lewis. You can call me Victor" he said shaking hands with Alec. "This will be where your new desk is placed. You can rest for today and start work from tomorrow" he said.

"Thank you Victor" Alec said and kept all his stuff.

"Okay Alec, I'll see you tomorrow, I hope we get along" Victor smiled and walked into his cabin.

"Alec you got this okay...I'll try my best to take you back...but till then try to keep up with the work here" Aldertree said patting his shoulder.

Alec nodded and smiled.

Once Aldertree left Alec walked looking around. Suddenly someone tapped on his shoulder, he turned around to see a young man.

"You must be Alec..." he said.

"Yes" Alec answered.

"Hi! I'm Andrew, Andrew Underhill" he said.

"Hi" Alec said plainly.

"I'm one of your teammates in this department" he said smiling.

"'s nice to meet you" Alec said finally smiling.

"You have a gorgeous smile" Andrew said in a low voice like talking to himself.

Alec didn't hear him clearly, and looked at him confused raising an eyebrow.

"Uhmm...nothing...Victor wanted me to explain to you how this department works..." he said "Shall we?" he asked.

"Yeah...yeah...sure" Alec said and walked with him to where his team worked.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now