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Few days passed, Maryse and Max returned to London, Jace and Clary also went back to California. Things were still the same with Asmodeus, he wouldn't budge to anything Magnus says. Tyler on the other hand was making things worse for Magnus.

Finally, Magnus had to make a decision if was going to listen his father or not.

It was the weekend after Maryse and Max left, Alec was tired after one week of work and lectures, so he slept in.

The doorbell rang waking Alec up, damn it I never get to sleep peacefully, he thought and went to open the door. It was Magnus with his huge bag.

"Mags? What are you...are you moving back?" Alec asked excited.

Magnus nodded.

"Yayy finallyyy!!!" Alec said lifting Magnus up and kissing him on the lips.

Alec pulled back and asked "did your dad say that you could come back?"

"No Alexander, I decided to not listen to him anymore, this is my life I can't let him control me" Magnus said.

"Are you sure it's okay to go against what he said?" Alec asked.

"I can't help it" Magnus said.

"That's fine, let's hope for the best" Alec said hugging Magnus. "You must be tired, let me make breakfast for us" Alec said and went into the kitchen.

Magnus took his bag into his room, huh finally I'm back; he thought. Then he unpacked his things and went to help Alec.

Few days passed, Alec and Magnus were enjoying their time back together. They invited Izzy and Simon for a movie night the next Friday because they couldn't relax for the past week.

"I'll make the popcorn, you select a movie Izzy" Simon said and went into the kitchen.

Magnus and Alec were curled up together on the sofa, waiting for Izzy and Simon to start the movie when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it at this hour?" Magnus asked.

"I'll check" Alec said and opened the door.

Alec was shocked to see who it was.

"Who is it Alexander?" Magnus asked walking towards the door when he saw Tyler.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Magnus asked.

"Can't I come to see my little brother?" he asked smiling from the edge of his mouth.

"No you can't" Alec said before Magnus could answer.

Tyler smirked and walked inside.

"Hey" Alec said putting his arm in front of Tyler to stop him. "I never invited you inside"

"Alec right?" Tyler asked "I don't actually need an invitation to come inside the house where my brother lives"

"This is not my house Tyler, just leave" Magnus said in an angry tone.

"Who is it Alec?" Izzy came out from the kitchen.

"No one Izz, just go back inside" Alec said.

"Aww that must be your sister...she's hot" Tyler said looking at Izzy from top to bottom.

Alec was furious, he suddenly grabbed Tyler by the collar "How dare you!"

"Alexander...hey...stop...stop" Magnus said removing Alec's grip from Tyler's collar.

Tyler laughed. "You should teach your boyfriend some patience" he said looking at Alec.

"Why did you come?" Magnus asked.

Tyler casually walked inside and sat on the sofa.

Alec and Magnus were annoyed and wanted to kick him out of the house.

"What do you want to hear first? The good news or the bad news?" Tyler asked.

Magnus rolled his eyes without answering.

"Okay...I'll tell you the good news first then..." he trailed off and sat back comfortably on the sofa.

"Father wants you to know that you can stay here if you really want to..." he said looking at Magnus, he then stood up and walked towards Alec "but he said that he cannot promise the safety of your little boyfriend" Tyler smirked.

Magnus didn't think for even a second and punched Tyler in the face. "How dare he say that!!" Magnus shouted.

Tyler was on the floor. Magnus jumped on him and punched him again. Alec quickly grabbed Magnus from his arms and pulled him back.

Blood was running down from Tyler's nose, he stood up and wiped off the blood on his face. "I'll leave for now...I told what I came for..." he said walking to the door in anger "but remember you'll have to definitely pay for this!" Tyler said glancing at Alec and walked away.

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