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"Alexander?" Magnus said knocking on Alec's door, "I'm coming in" he said and walked in.

"What?" Alec said angrily.

"I'm sorry Alexander, I didn't want you to worry" Magnus said sitting next to Alec.

Alec didn't answer and he didn't look at Magnus.

"Alexander, I just want to protect don't know how dangerous they are...they can kill a man and just be like it never happened" Magnus said touching Alec's hand.

"So you think they'll kill me?" Alec asked still in anger. "I can protect myself okay...and I agreed to your silly just let me sleep"

"Okay then..." Magnus said taking back his hand.

Alec laid on the bed and covered his face with a pillow.

"I'll get some rest" Magnus said and looked at Alec for few seconds then he walked to the door.

Magnus felt two strong hands wrap around his waist from behind which made him stop right at the door.

"I'm sorry" Alec whispered laying his chin on Magnus's shoulder. "I was just angry because you left me out" Alec kissed Magnus on the cheek. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

Magnus turned towards Alec and nodded.

Alec cupped his face and kissed him on the lips. "I love you Magnus Bane"

"I love you too" Magnus replied. "Now go to sleep baby" Magnus said kissing Alec on the forehead.

"Don't leave" Alec said holding Magnus's arm when he was trying to leave. "Stay next to me, I want to hold your hand and sleep"

Magnus smiled and got into bed next to Alec. Alec closed his eyes as Magnus caressed his head.

"Those body guards will be following me everywhere right?" Alec asked his eyes closed.

"Hmm...yeah probably" Magnus said.

"We won't be able to have our private time" Alec said opening his eyes.

Magnus laughed "Alexander, let's think about that later...your safety is my priority right now...stop thinking about it and sleep now" Magnus said kissing Alec on the cheek.

"Okay...fine" Alec said curling up in Magnus's arms.

"Sleep tight baby" Magnus said tracing his fingers on Alec's cheeks.


For the next few days, Alec was always followed by 2 body guards. They were not noticeable to anyone else but they followed Alec everywhere he went. Magnus felt more calm now that Alec was being watched over.

"Mags, there's no threat to me...these guys have been following me around for almost 7 weeks now" Alec said.

"Alexander...I know but still it's better to have them around" Magnus said.

"Tonight, it's date night...I don't want these guys inside my house" Alec said annoyed.

"But Alexa..." Magnus was trying to say but Alec made a frustrated face "okay fine, only tonight, I'll tell them to stay out of the house."

Alec smiled "okay baby" Alec said "See you after work...I'm making dinner today or should we order out?" Alec thought for a second "Let's order out" he said and kissed Magnus on the cheek.

Magnus smiled "See you at home".

Alec went home took a wash and ordered Magnus's favourite pizza. His phone rang and he went to pick it up.

"Hello Simon" Alec answered.

"What she's dead? What do you mean she's dead?" Alec asked.

"Are you sure that it's the same woman?" Alec asked.

"So that's why she disappeared?" Alec asked "Do you think it's seriously a murder? Can't it be a suicide?"

"Oh my God, I have to tell Magnus" right then the doorbell rang "Simon hang on, it must be the pizza guy" Alec opened the door.

But it was not the pizza guy. It was not something Alec expected, 3 men wearing black outfits, a black mask and a cap.

"Who are you?" Alec asked walking backwards.

**Get ready to feel your heart break into pieces

Sorry guys I had to...

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