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 “I know how it feels Magnus” he said and wiped the tears off.

Their faces were only a few inches apart. They felt the tension was building inside them.

Alec wanted to kiss Magnus but he was holding himself back. But that look in Magnus’s eyes melted his heart. They got closer to each other until they felt each other’s breathe. Magnus put his hand on Alec’s cheek. He felt that Alec was feeling nervous. 

So many things were playing inside his head. If I kiss Alec now it will feel awkward. But if I don’t I will miss the opportunity to tell him how I feel. But know what if he doesn’t feel the same. I can’t just loose him for a kiss. 

Magnus laid a kiss on Alec’s cheek. Alec blushed like crazy. “Thank you for helping me for the last few months” Magnus said and stood up.

Alec was feeling that his face was turning red. He was so nervous. He has never felt this before.

“Should we uh…go home now?” Alec asked and Magnus nodded.

On their way to Magnus’s apartment neither of them said a word.

When they arrived “Thank you Alexander” Magnus said and turned to open the door and walked to the gate.

“Wait Magnus” Alec suddenly called and pulled Magnus towards him.

Alec didn’t know what got into him. He just couldn’t let Magnus go. 
He hugged Magnus so tightly for few seconds. And when he was going to pull back he whispered into Magnus’s ear “I’m going to miss you” and kissed Magnus’s earlobe.

Magnus’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what just happened. He felt shivers in his body and felt goosebumps in his arms. After processing what happened for a few seconds Magnus said “I will miss you too Alexander” and he hugged Alec back.

Magnus was thinking about the kiss given on the night that Alec got drunk. But he knew that was not intentional. He really wanted to kiss Alec right now but he held himself knowing that he will not see Alec again. 

They pulled back after 2 or 3 minutes and looked into each other’s eyes.
Alec touched Magnus’s cheek “I’ll see you around. If you ever need something don’t think twice just call me” he said.
“Okay I will” Magnus smiled with his puppy like eyes.

“Okay then, Good night Magnus” Alec got back into the car. “Good night Alexander” Magnus replied and went inside.

That night both Alec and Magnus were thinking about their moment together. They already missed the hug and each other’s presence. 

You’ll get over him Alec. And he is already taken. Don’t think too much. I just need to concentrate on my carrier and studies. Alec thought to himself and fell asleep.

Magnus was awake all night thinking about the kisses and the hugs. He couldn’t stop thinking about Alec. But deep inside he knew that they were going to definitely meet again. 

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