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Magnus was really excited to tell Alec how he felt about him from the start. He was waiting the whole freaking day to tell Alec how he felt. Now Alec was late. 

He heard the doorbell. He quickly jumped up and ran to the door hoping to see Alec’s face after not seeing him since morning. 

But to his surprise it was his best friend Camille.

“Magsss” She quickly came in and hugged Magnus. “It’s good to see you after 2 months” she said.

“Hi Cami…good to see you too…come in…” Magnus said.

“So this is the house of your lover boy?” Cami walked looking around.

“Yes” Magnus said.

“Where is he? When can I meet him?” Camille asked.

“He’s at work…he’ll come home around 8.30” Magnus said.

“Okay…I’ll wait…I was so excited to see him when you said that he finally kissed you yesterday.” Camille said 
Magnus rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen.

“You making dinner?” Camille asked and Magnus nodded.

“I’ll help you…it’ll be quicker, it’s still 7.30…we can finish by 8.30” Camille said looking at her watch.

Magnus smiled and they started to make dinner.

They were talking and laughing together. Camille was excited to hear how Magnus felt about Alec… Magnus was explaining all the fun they had during the past few days.

“Magss you have something on your face” Camille said laughing.

“Where?” He asked trying to wipe it off.
“Not there silly…here” Camille said and wiped it off with her hand.

Right then Alec entered the kitchen…he saw them laughing and Camille touching Magnus’s face.

Alec was completely shocked. His bag dropped from his hand and he froze.
When the bag hit the floor, Magnus and Camille saw the frozen Alec.

“Alexander you are finally ho…” Magnus couldn’t finish his sentence. Alec ran to his room with tears filled in his eyes. 

Alec locked his door and sat right there on the floor with his head between his knees. He was crying really hard. 

“How could you do this to me Magnus? How could you” he was talking to himself and crying.

There was a knock on the door.
Alec knew it was Magnus.

“Go away” Alec shouted.

“Alexander just open the door…it’s not what you think…”Magnus said.

“Leave me alone Magnus Bane” he screamed.

Magnus couldn’t do anything because the door was locked. He felt like there was a knife piercing his heart. So he just sat at the door of Alec’s room and waited till he opened the door. 

After 1 hour or 2 Alec opened the door. He saw Magnus was sitting there.
“What do you want?” he asked in a rude voice.

“Alexander…” Magnus quickly stood up “Alexander what you saw was just…”
“Enough Magnus…I know what I saw… Why Magnus? Why didn’t you just tell me that you don’t like me …that you had a girlfriend? I thought I was wrong but no I was not…you just made me feel like you liked me too when you didn’t…You brought your girlfriend to my house Magnus…seriously? You should have just told me …why bring your girlfriend? Is it to prove that you have one?” Alec sounded furious.

Magnus was looking at Alec with eyes filled with tears.

“I shouldn’t have let myself fall for you…I thought you were different…I thought that maybe Magnus was not like my dad…But no…everyone’s the same…” Alec said and banged the door close.

Magnus was also crying his eyes out…he couldn’t believe what he heard. He was in so much pain. 

He called Camille and told her everything that happened…Camille calmed him down…

And he went to sleep.

Alec was still crying in his room. He had a sleepless night thinking that he was betrayed.

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