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Magnus went back home and he was disturbed for some reason. Not being able to live with Alec in the same house, not being able to spend much time because of work has made him suddenly feel insecure. He remembered his previous relationship, they were in love at first but with time his partner lost interest in him and had to end because of their busy schedules. Now Magnus was worried about him and Alec. 

What if I lose Alec? I love him more than my life and I don’t want to lose him. Magnus thought with tears in his eyes. But Alec promised me that he’ll always love me, he thought and shook his head and went to sleep. 

At work, Magnus and Alec couldn’t meet for the next few days, both of them had a tight schedule, meetings, site visits and meetings again. Alec had to spend time with Andrew and Magnus still felt nervous about the fact that Alec was spending too much time with Underhill. 

They’ve been dating for almost 7 and half months now but not being able to be together made Magnus nervous and specially knowing and seeing that Underhill was interested in Alec. 

Alec and his teammates had their team dinner at a bar and Alec sent Magnus the address knowing that he might get drunk and he won’t be able to drive.  

Magnus waited outside till the dinner was over. Few hours later he saw the teammates of Alec’s team leaving the club but he didn’t see Alec coming out.

So he quickly got out of the car and went inside.

Meanwhile Alec was half drunk and was sitting at the bar with Underhill. 

“Alec, I was thinking…I know that you are gay and…I wanted to ask you…” Andrew said.

“Yeahh, I’m gay, so what?” Alec said “I have to go home now” Alec said trying to stand up but he couldn’t stand straight and fell back on the chair and Underhill quickly grabbed him. 

Magnus saw it from a distant and quickly walked towards them. Anger and jealousy was building inside him. 

“Alec, I wanted to ask you…if you want to be my boyfriend?” Andrew blurted out.

“What?” Alec said one eye closed and the other open looking at Andrew and standing up once more.

He lost his balance and was going to fall on the other side of the chair when Magnus quickly caught him. “Alexander? Why did you drink so much?” Magnus asked holding onto Alec.

“Uh…Mr. Bane? Why are you here?” Andrew asked confused.

“Mr. Underhill, Alexander is already taken” he said looking straight in Andrew’s eyes.

“But…I…uh…thought…” he was stuttering.

“Mr. Underhill, Alexander is my boyfriend” Magnus said. Right then Alec put his arms around Magnus’s neck still not in his right mind and kissed him on the cheek. “baby you are here…where were you?” Alec said and then passed out.

Magnus sighed and lifted Alec. “Now if you excuse me, I have to get him home…” Magnus said and carried Alec to the car without looking back at Underhill and drove home.

He carried Alec to his bed.

“Mags…don’t go…I love you” Alec said still eyes closed. 

“I love you too Alexander…but you seriously need to think before you drink…you know you are a light drinker” Magnus said removing Alec’s shoes.

Then he adjusted Alec’s pillow when Alec put his hands around Magnus’s neck and pulled him to a kiss.

Magnus was reminded of their first kiss, in a few seconds Magnus melted into the kiss. 

This night they spent together was after a long time so Magnus didn’t want to leave, so he stayed at Alec’s place and cuddled in Alec’s arms and fell asleep. 

Next morning, Magnus woke up before Alec and made breakfast.

“Good morning baby” Magnus said with a plate of pancakes in his hand.

“Mags? What are you doing here?” Alec asked confused.

“You don’t remember about last night do you?” Magnus asked.

“I remember that you took me home…” Alec paused and thought. “and I thought you left after that” 

“I wanted to stay by your side…we couldn’t sleep together in the same bed for a long time…” Magnus said sitting next to Alec.

Alec leaned to kiss Magnus on the lips. “I’m hungry” Alec said.

Then Magnus pointed at the plate of pancakes on the table. 

Alec grinned “No…I’m hungry for you” he said and pulled Magnus on top of him and kissed him. 

“Baby…baby stop…wait” Magnus said pulling back and sitting up.

“What? Why?” Alec asked confused.

“We need to talk…” Magnus said looking at Alec with an annoyed look.

Alec folded his legs and sat in front of Magnus and held his hand “Tell me Mags…What do you want to talk about?” 

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