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“You wanna grab something to eat? It’s almost lunchtime now” Magnus asked hoping to get a positive answer.
Alec was still not looking at him, he was busy arranging his desk.
“Alexander… can you show me around… I don’t know where the cafeteria is…”he said.
Alec felt shivers in his spine when Magnus was calling him by his full name. He hasn’t heard it for years from anyone. But annoyingly he liked when Magnus called him Alexander.
Finally, he looked at Magnus and felt like he was losing his breath. “Yeah… yeah… let’s go, I’m hungry too” he managed to smile “I’ll show you around”.
Magnus was overjoyed so he followed Alec. Alec showed all the important places at the company and finally arrived at the cafeteria. 
They sat at the table and started to eat. Neither of them spoke…it felt awkward so Magnus wanted to start a conversation. 
“So…uh Alexander…I’m sorry I couldn’t finish our conversation yesterday”
“That’s fine” Alec replied without looking at Magnus.
“I was thinking about you last night and I felt bad for leaving mid-conversation…you know when your…” Magnus couldn’t finish the sentence
“That’s okay Magnus…I understand…you had to go dance with your girlfriend” Alec said 
And when Alec realized what he just said he was too late to change what he said. What the hell Alec…why did you say that…now he will think that I’m jealous…I’m jealous? What is wrong with me? Seriously think straight Alec… think straight, he thought to himself,
“Alexander no… I was going to tell you that…” Magnus was cut mid-sentence again.
“Done eating? We should get back now.” Saying that Alec stood up and walked away. 
Magnus was so puzzled to see Alec’s reactions. Did I do something wrong? He thought to himself. And then he followed Alec. 
The first few days at the office were very hard for Magnus. He ran to Alec for each and every question he had. Alec was a patient man so he taught every single detail that Magnus needed to know.
“Alexander, to whom should I give this file?” Magnus asked. Alec pointed his finger to Meliorn’s desk. “Thank you Alexander” he said and ran to Meliorn’s desk to give the file. 
After few minutes Magnus was back at Alec’s desk. Alec looked at Magnus and raised an eyebrow. 
“Alexander how do I upload this file to the system?” Magnus asked holding the laptop in his hand. “Let me show you” Alec took the laptop and showed him everything step by step. Magnus smiled “Thank you Alexander” he ran back to his desk.
“Alexandeerrrrr” Magnus called again. Alec turned around and saw Magnus holding a load of files. Alec sighed and covered his face. “Do you need help?” Alec asked and Magnus nodded like a small kid. “Okay come sit here… let me check” Alec said and took the load of files from Magnus’s hands. 
When taking the files their hands touched and both of them felt shivers go down their spines. Alec blushed and turned around. Magnus sat next to him and they started to work together on the files.
This continued for a few days until Magnus got used to his work… 

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