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"How long Magnus?" Alec asked now a little nervous than before.

"It might take a little more than 2 months" Magnus said looking at Alec to see his expression.

"WHAT? 2 months?" Alec asked "I...I don't know what to say..."

"Alexander listen, I'll call you every day...we can FaceTime everyday if you want to...2 months will pass very quickly..." Magnus said holding Alec's hand.

Alec didn't say a single word.

"Alexander, you know that I have to do this right? I know you don't like this idea...I don't like it either...but we don't have an option" Magnus said now touching Alec's cheek.

"I know Magnus; I's just 2 months...we can make it work...2 months won't be a problem for us...until you leave let's plan a trip or something?" Alec said knowing that he didn't have any other option.

"Baby, there's a problem..." Magnus said looking at Alec.

"What is it?" Alec asked.

"I have to leave tomorrow..." Magnus said.

"What ? Tomorrow? What no..." Alec said with tears in his eyes.

Magnus hugged him and patted his head. "Hey don't cry please...I'm sorry Alexander, I know it's too sudden...I'm sorry"

They stayed hugging each other for a few minutes and pulled back. Alec inhaled deeply and said "Okay...that's okay, you are my fiancé and nothing will change that, let's enjoy today and I'll help you pack in the evening"

Magnus smiled and hugged Alec again. "I know this hurts, but I promise you I will come back to you as soon as possible"

Alec and Magnus went out to celebrate Alec's birthday with their friends and the two of them had some quality alone time at the park and at the movies.

After they came home it was around 5pm and Magnus had to get ready to leave the next day.

"Baby I have packed you clothes in this bag, you have to get your laptop and the other documents and put it in this bag" Alec said giving Magnus a laptop bag.

"Thank you so much baby, I'm so lucky to have you" Magnus said kissing Alec's cheek.

"The flight is at 2.00am right?" Alec asked.

"Yeah...I have to leave in an hour or so" Magnus said.

Alec sighed and went to the kitchen.

Magnus followed him and hugged him from the back "I'm gonna miss you so damn much"

"I'm gonna miss you too baby" Alec replied and turned to face Magnus. Without a word he lifted Magnus to the countertop and started to kiss him.

Magnus put his arms around Alec's waist and held him closer deepening the kiss. Magnus felt tears rolling down Alec's cheeks and he pulled back to look at Alec.

Magnus wiped Alec's tears with his thumb and touched his cheek.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I love you so damn much and I'm gonna miss you so very much. I will call you every day okay? Send me a message if you miss me and I promise I will reply as soon as I can...I might get piled up with work and I might not be able to answer your calls on time but please Alexander don't think any different okay?" Magnus said.

"Okay..." Alec replied. "I love you too's just two months, I'll be okay" he smiled.

"Good boy" Magnus said patting Alec's head.

Then they got ready and went to the airport. As Magnus left Alec waved him good bye hoping to see his fiancé in 2 months.
~The end~

This is the end of Book 01 guys. Thank you so much for reading all the 120 chapters. Thank you so much for supporting and loving my story from day 01. I'm so happy that you loved this story and I'm so grateful to each and every one of you who supported me and my story by voting, leaving comments and messages.

Don't forget to read the book 2 of the same fanfiction as Soulmates Book 02. Its the continuation of this story.
Hope you enjoy ❤😍

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