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Alec came down stairs after few minutes. “Did he leave?” he asked.

Jace was smiling and looking at Alec.

“What?” Alec asked.

“Nothing…nothing…” Jace replied “he looked like a really nice guy, he has my approval”.

“Approval? Approval for what?” Alec asked.

Jace smiled. For you and Magnus to date…Jace thought but he said “for him to stay here. I approve Magnus. He seems trust worthy”.

Alec just sat down on the sofa with his head in his hands.

“Alec…you like him don’t you?” Jace asked “He told me that y’all worked together. From the way you act…I am pretty sure you have feelings for him”.
Alec was silent for a few seconds.

“Jace…”Alec looked at his brother “Do you think I can seriously be a good boyfriend?” he asked.

“Alec what are you saying…you will be the perfect boyfriend…I have no doubt about that” Jace replied.

“But I’m not sure if I can handle a relationship…” Alec said.

“Don’t worry brother…I’m sure you will figure it out if you truly like that person” Jace replied.

“Hmm…” Alec sighed. “But Magnus has a girlfriend”.

“What? Did he say that? I don’t think he does…” Jace said.

“No...I think he does…I just don’t want to be stuck in a love triangle” Alec said standing up. 

“But Alec I think you should talk to him” Jace said.

“Hmmm…” Alec went upstairs feeling really down. 

Alec was on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was trying to focus on what was about to happen. Alec knew that if Magnus comes to stay with him, he would definitely fall for Magnus, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. But he also knew that there was no stopping Magnus now. 

Deep down Alec felt guilty for starting to have feelings for someone who was already taken but still he always wished that he was wrong. Maybe I misunderstood him…May be the blonde girl was just a friend, he thought. He lost the one chance he got to makes things clear with Magnus.

Now the only thing he could do was to keep his feelings hidden until he exactly knew who Magnus really was and if he was actually taken. He couldn’t still believe himself though. He always wanted to stay away from relationships and dating but Magnus is changing something inside him. 

Finally it was the 19th. The day Jace leaves and also the day Magnus moves in.

Alec and Jace completed all the packing and had everything ready the previous night. Raph and Simon were also there to help them with all the packing. 

The doorbell rang and it was Clary and Izzy. 
“Y’all done with the packing?” Izzy asked.

“Yeah all done” Simon said and kissed Izzy on the cheek.

“Jace don’t forget your guitar” Clary reminded. 

“Oh my God… Thank you for reminding love” Jace said and went to get his guitar. 

The doorbell rang again.

“It must be Cat…she said that she’ll bring cupcakes” Clary said and went to open the door.

To her surprise it was not Cat…It was Magnus.

“Hi…may I help you?” Clary asked seeing all the bags next to him.

“Hi…I’m Magnus Bane, I think we haven’t been formally introduced…I will be Alexander’s housemate” Magnus said.

“Oh… I know you…Jace told me that there was a new friend coming to stay…Hi I’m Clary…Jace’s girlfriend. It’s nice to finally meet you… come in. 

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