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Alec closed his eyes and he heard 3 gunshots. The gunshots were so loud that his head was spinning and it took Alec few seconds to come back to consciousness.

When he opened his eyes Magnus was lying next to him the whole floor covered in blood.

"MAGNUS!!!!!!" Alec screamed.

Everything happened so fast.

Alec struggled to get loose of the ropes but he couldn't.

After few seconds Magnus tried to get up.

"Magnus are you okay? Magnus?????" Alec shouted. But Magnus couldn't hear him. He crawled forward to the man who was lying on the floor.

Alec didn't notice that there was another man lying in front of him. Alec then noticed that it was Asmodeus who was lying on the floor.

"Dad? DAD!!!!" Magnus screamed when he saw his father lying on the floor bleeding from two places. "HELP!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US!!" he screamed.

Right then the officers from the NYPD stormed in.

So much was happening. Someone came to Alec and cut his ropes. Alec fell on the ground; he didn't have the strength to stand. He crawled to Magnus and Asmodeus.

Magnus was screaming. "Dad why?? Why did you jump in front of me? Why did you do that?" Magnus was crying putting pressure with both of his hands on the gunshot wound.

"Oh my God!" Alec said "Mr. Bane...Mr. Bane wake up" Alec shouted.

Asmodeus was unconscious.

Alec couldn't feel his leg but he dragged his leg and crawled closer to Magnus and hugged him. Both Alec and Magnus were crying their hearts out.

There were police officers everywhere and as soon as the ambulance arrived Asmodeus, Alec and Magnus were taken to the hospital.


Izzy, and Simon were scared to death. As soon as they received the call from Luke they hurried to the hospital.

"Luke, where is Alec?" Izzy asked.

"He's in surgery" Luke sighed.

"Oh my God! What happened to him? Was he shot?" Simon asked.

"Thankfully he was not...but his right leg is broken...cracked from 2 places...and because of the cut in his hand he has lost quiet an amount of blood." Luke said.

"What about Magnus is he okay?" Izzy asked.

"He's also in the ER...he was cut by the bullet on the arm...he was lucky that the bullet just touched him." Luke said. "his condition is not very severe...he would have died if it was not for his father"

"His father? Asmodeus Bane? What happened?" Izzy asked.

"He had jumped in front of Magnus when he was shot...he was hit by 2 on the leg and the other..." Luke paused

"The other bullet, where did it hit Luke?" Izzy asked shocked

"Rright below his heart" Luke said.

"What?? Will he be okay?" Simon asked.

"The doctors are working on it...but we can't be sure if he will survive..." Luke said.

"Oh my God!" Izzy sighed. "Can we see Magnus now?"

"Yeah I think you can...come with me" Luke said and they followed him to the ER.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now