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Once the wedding was over, they went back home. "Who was that guy Alec?" Jace asked grinning at his brother "Which guy?" Alec asked
"That hot guy you were talking to at the wedding" Jace replied.
Alec knew exactly who Jace was talking about "Ah... that was Raph's friend from uni... I just met him there and was just talking to him about Raph..." Alec said removing his shoes.
"It didn't look like just talking two were staring at each other like you were in love" Jace teased Alec. Alec was so annoyed "are you mad Jace? He has a girlfriend" Alec said angrily.

"Oh so if he did not have a girlfriend..."Jace couldn't finish his sentence "Can you please stop before I kick you out of the house" Alec was so angry. "Just mind your own business Jace" Alec shouted and went upstairs.
Alec on his 20th birthday came out as gay. And his whole family understood him and supported him. But he has never been in a real relationship. In High school, he used to date a girl but it only lasted for 2 months as he realized that he was not interested in girls. Other than that he has never dated anyone.
Jace and Izzy have always tried to set him up. But he never gave in to date. He only concentrated on his studies and his carrier. Alec was hard-working, he worked really hard to get into the New York University for Architecture. Now he has a good job at a very prestigious company and he is planning to start his master's at the same University.
Alec was in his room staring at the ceiling for a long time. He couldn't believe himself. Why did he act that way to Jace? Why did he feel suffocated when he saw Magnus with the blonde girl? He couldn't understand what these feelings were. He was a person who was upright and didn't give in to feelings. But seeing Magnus something stirred inside him. Something he has never felt before. He wished if his mother was here for him to talk to.

But she was not here. She was away in England with their younger brother Max. And their father... he was out of the family scene since long ago. He got divorced because he fell in love with another woman making Alec's mother Maryse to be devastated. Alec has never forgiven him for leaving them.

All these thoughts were flowing into his mind. He knew that his father was one of the main reasons for him to not be in a relationship. He didn't trust anyone except for his mother and his siblings.
He shook his head. Get your act together need to concentrate...let's get back to work. He took a shower and started to work on his new project.

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