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It was finally a day that Magnus was waiting for a long time. 12th of September, Alec’s birthday.

That morning Magnus woke up earlier and made a grand breakfast for Alec. It was Magnus’s free day luckily so he everything planned.

Alec was so happy to see Magnus early in the morning.

“Happy birthday Alexander” Magnus said hugging him.

“Thank you Mags” Alec said hugging him back.

He had the delicious breakfast and went to work. Now Magnus has got used to Alec’s schedule and he knew the time that Alec would get home. So he wanted to arrange a surprise birthday party for his lover boy.

He had called Jace and Clary beforehand and arranged everything for them to arrive on time. He invited Izzy, Simon, Raph, Cat, Cami, Aiden, josh and his friends at work.

Magnus was ready with everything by the time Alec arrived.

“Jace did you bring the snowflakes?” Izzy asked.
“Yep” he showed the cylinder in his hand. 

“Okay everyone get ready…Aline said that Alec left from work…he’ll be here in few minutes” Magnus said.

Alec was tired after a full day of work and wanted to come home and hug Magnus to charge himself. He opened the door and the house was pitch dark.

“Mags? Where are you? Is there a power…” Alec couldn’t finish his sentence.

“SURPRISE!!!!” the lights came up and everyone shouted.

Magnus walked towards Alec with a cake full of candles “Happy 24th Alexander” he said and kissed him.

“Wow guys! Thank you so much” Alec said.

“Happy birthday big brother” Izzy said and hugged him.
“Happy birthday Alec” Jace and Clary said hugging him.

“Short head, Jace I didn’t know you were coming back” Alec said surprised.

“Your lover boy arranged everything since last week so we could get here on time” Jace said “And Alec how could you not tell me?” Jace narrowed his eyes annoyed.

“I was going to…” Alec was feeling shy.
“I’m proud of you brother” Jace said and hugged him.

“Okay, birthday boy…make a wish…blow the candles and cut the cake” Clary said.

Alec made a wish and blew the candles. He hugged Magnus and thanked him for making his birthday memorable.

“This is the best birthday I’ve ever had…thank you so much guys” Alec said and thanked everyone.

“Jace when are you leaving?” Alec asked.

“Tomorrow…” he said.

“Where are you going to stay today?” Alec asked.

“We’ll be staying at Clary’s apartment…don’t worry brother we won’t bother the two of you” Jace winked. 

“Very funny…” Alec said and smiled.
It was one of the best days in his life.    

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