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"Magnus you need to eat this" Izzy said sitting next to Magnus who was staring at his phone for a call from the police.

"I'm not hungry" Magnus said.

"Magnus you haven't had anything from are you supposed save Alec if you get sick" Izzy said handing him over a plate of pasta.

Magnus sighed. Right then his phone rang.

"OH's a video call from Maryse" Magnus said.

"Mom?" Izzy asked and Magnus nodded.

"Should we not answer?" Magnus asked.

"Magnus wipe your tears will have to answer or she might call again when we are outside...just don't tell her that we are here" Izzy said.

Magnus nodded and wiped his tears.

"Hey Maryse" Magnus said trying to smile.

"Hey are y'all doing" she asked.

"We are fine, how's Max?" Magnus asked.

"He misses you two a the way, where's Alec? He said he had good news to tell me but he didn't call me last night" she said.

"Ah...Alec, he's...uh he's..." Magnus was struggling "at office, had a sudden meeting, I'll tell him to call when he's free? He's pretty busy these days"

"That's fine...I just wanted to know what he wanted to tell me...he sounded pretty excited...Magnus have you been..." Maryse took a close look at Magnus and Magnus was feeling nervous not knowing if she noticed.

"have you been up all night?" she asked. "You must sleep well at your age, don't let work keep you up all night okay..."

Magnus sighed in relief. "Okay" he said smiling.

"Okay I'll call back later then" Maryse said and she said goodbye and kept the call.

Izzy was watching them all along "That was close" she said.

"Now finish eating this and let's go to the police office" she said. Magnus nodded and finished his meal. Then they came to the police station.


While Magnus and the others were looking for Alec, Asmodeus was also on the look for him.

"Tyler where were you?" Asmodeus asked him when he got home.

"I was...uh with a friend" he said.

"Alec has gone missing...I need you to find everything you can about the disappearance as soon as possible" Asmodeus said

"Alec missing? But why would you care?" he asked.

"Why would I care? He's the person my son obviously I would care..." he said raising his voice.

"But you don't like that guy...why would you be so concerned?" Tyler asked.

"Do what I said without blabbering nonsense" Asmodeus shouted.

Tyler just walked away without answering.

Asmodeus had a lot of contacts with many people who would know how to find Alec. His Intel was better than the NYPD's. He called many people he knew. After few hours he got the call he was waiting for.

"Okay...send me the location as soon as possible, I'm going there, I'll need backup." Asmodeus said and kept the phone.

He took his gun from the locker and tucked it in his belt.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked.

"I found where Alec is...I'm going to save him" Asmodeus said and ran out of the house.

"Damn it!" Tyler shouted when Asmodeus left.

He quickly took out his phone.

"Move him right now!... No what I said...NOW!!!" he shouted, kept his phone and stormed out of the house.

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