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Magnus woke up, and he didn’t find Alec next to him. He quickly got down from the bed and was just about to open the door when Alec came with 3 cup cakes with 3 candles on it.

“Happy 3 months baby!” Alec said giving a soft kiss on Magnus’s lips.

“Today’s 30th? Oh my God…I was so focused on work and I forgot all about it” he said.

“That’s okay Mags let’s blow the candles and make a wish.” Alec said.

“You never cease to amaze me Alexander!” Magnus said. They blew the candles, made a wish and hugged each other. They couldn’t believe that 3 months have passed by so quickly.

“Mags get ready now…we should go early…you have a presentation at 11 right?” Alec asked packing Magnus’s books.

“Yeah! I’ll quickly get ready and come downstairs” he said.

“I’ll drop you at Uni…I have to go to work today…our director is supposed to come in two weeks so it’s really tough at work…” Alec said.

Magnus nodded.

Magnus was pretty nervous about the presentation but he was able to complete it successfully and his professor called him to his office.

“Sir, did you want to see me?” Magnus asked.

“You are Bane right?” he asked.

“Yes” he replied.

“Your father was one of my good friends…how is he?” the professor asked.

“He quite busy…I haven’t seen him for months…but he’s doing fine” Magnus said.

They talked for a while and Magnus returned home.

He wanted to tell Alec about his presentation. So he called him but Alec was not reachable so he left a message. ‘The presentation was okay…I came home’.

Then the doorbell rang, it was Izzy.

“Hey Izzy…is everything okay?” Magnus asked.

“I need your help!” she said sitting on the sofa.

“Tell me what do you need me to help you with?” Magnus asked.

“I need your creative brain” Izzy said grinning.

Magnus gave out a sudden laugh. “You and your brother have a weird way of expressing things” he laughed. “So what do you need my creative brain for” he said showing air quotes with his fingers.

“Okay Magnus so this is the thing…Si passed the exams and got selected to the NYPD…” Izzy said.

“Woah…that’s really cool” Magnus said.

“Soo…I want to organize a small party for him…and I need your help with that” Izzy said smiling.

“What kind of a party do you need? I'm an expert with parties” Magnus grinned and winked.

And then they planned the party until Alec was home. 

“Mags I’m home” Alec said removing his shoes at the door.

“Hey big brother, I’m planning something with your lover boy” Izzy said still sitting next to Magnus.

“Let’s see what these two are doing?” Alec said and sat next to him.

“Si got into the NYPD…it was his dream since he was a kid” Izzy said.

“Wow! Izz that’s amazing!” Alec hugged Izzy.

“So what are y’all planning?” Alec asked and they planned a grand party together.

After few hours they finished their discussions and had dinner. 

“Big bro, Magnus…thank you so much for today” Izzy said and hugged both of them. “See you on Friday then” Izzy said and kissed Alec on the cheek and left.

As soon as Izzy stepped out of the door, Magnus pulled Alec towards him and put his arms around his waist and started to kiss him.

Alec pulled back for a second and said “looks like someone seriously missed me” and he went back to kiss Magnus making the kiss deeper. Alec lifted Magnus and carried him to his room.

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