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Magnus's whole body was shivering with anger and fear. "I need to go" Magnus said.

"Magnus are you nuts? We need a plan" Simon said.

"What plan Simon? If he sees the police, my Alexander will be in grave danger...I can't risk anything right now..." Magnus said and started walk away.

"Magnus stop" Luke said.

Magnus stopped walking and turned to face Luke with tears in his eyes.

"Magnus, you need to be careful, this can be a trap okay? I promise I won't let anything happen to Alec, but we need to have back up...we need to plan this out...they will not know that we are there...don't you find this suspicious?" Luke asked "they didn't even ask for money...they only wanted you to come...this can be dangerous for you too"

"Magnus let us discuss this for a few minutes, then we can go with the plan okay?" Simon said. "Send me the location"

Magnus nodded and sent the location to Simon.

The officers and the detectives gathered around and made the plan. Magnus was feeling uneasy, 15 minutes have already passed and he had only 45 minutes to get there. Magnus didn't want to waste any more time so while the discussion was going on, Magnus sneaked out and drove to the location.


Magnus arrived at the location. It was a huge abandoned house, he parked his car outside and walked in.

"Hello?" Magnus said "I came here alone...where's Alexander? Alexander!!"

But there was no sign of anyone, then he heard a struggling sound. He followed the sound and reached a huge hall.

What he saw shocked him. Alec was tied to a chair and he was struggling trying to say something. He was shaking his head telling Magnus not to come closer.

"Alexander!!!!" he shouted and ran to him.

"Oh my God look at you" Magnus said while quickly removing the cloth from Alec's mouth. Magnus tried to untie the ropes but it was too tight.

As soon as the cloth was removed Alec shouted "Magnus run...please this is a trap, please baby run-away" Alec said crying.

Magnus looked at Alec stopping what he was doing.

"It's Tyler, he wants you Magnus please, Tyler wants to kill you..." Alec said.

Before Magnus could do anything Tyler walked in clapping dramatically. Magnus was shocked to see him.

"The great Magnus Bane is finally here...I thought you had the brains...are you this stupid Magnus?" Tyler asked.

Magnus was boiling with anger "Why the f*ck did you do this Tyler?" he screamed.

"Oh Magnus, you still don't get it do you?" Tyler asked, he had a gun in his hand and the 3 men were standing behind him so Magnus couldn't do anything.

Magnus clenched his fists.

"Do you want to hit me? Come hit me..." Tyler said opening his arms "but you'll be dead the second you step forward."

Magnus couldn't think of anything to do. Magnus looked around but he couldn't spot anything to use and fight back. So he remained next to Alec.

"Magnus, you need to leave...he'll kill you" Alec said.

Magnus looked at Alec with tears in his eyes and touched his face.

"Aww...what a romantic scene" Tyler said laughing. "Yeah...go ahead, take your time to tell him how much you love him for one last time"

Magnus bent down and kissed Alec on the cheek "I love you with all my life Alexander, forever"

"No behind me...please...don't you dare think of dying" Alec said crying and struggling to get free of the tight ropes.

Magnus took a deep breath and took a step forward raising both his hands in surrender. "Tyler, you can kill me if you want to, let Alexander go... but first tell me why you are doing this...I need to know the reason" Magnus said still his hands in air.

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