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“Alec I’m home” Jace said coming into the kitchen.

“Alec?” Jace said seeing his brother just staring into the white wall. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost”.

Alec snapped into reality “I’m fine” he shook his head and walked to the washroom to wash his face. 

“I got a call from someone called Magnus Bane. I feel like I’ve heard that name before…but anyways…he said that he’ll be renting my room from the 19th and I told him he could do that. Congrats Alec you’ll be having a housemate.” Jace said and patted Alec’s shoulder.

Alec stopped washing his face and looked at Jace “What?” Jace asked.

“Did you say yes to him?” Alec asked.

“Yeah I did…he sounded like a good guy…but I wanted to meet him before he moved in…I need to make sure my brother is safe and sound when I’m gone” Jace said sitting on the counter. “So he said that he’ll come here in an hour”.

“You did what?????” Alec asked a bit angry “He’s coming now??”

“Yeah…he’ll probably be here in 15 to 20 minutes…he called me when I was getting off from work” Jace looked at his watch “it’s 6.45 so yeah he said he’ll be here by 7” 

“Are you mad Jace?” Alec asked.

“What!! What did I do?” Jace asked confused.

Alec rolled his eyes “If he asks for me tell him that I’m not home” Alec ran upstairs to his room and closed the door.

Jace was so confused. Right then the doorbell rang. Jace ran to the door and opened the door.

“Hi you must be Magnus. I’m Jace Lightwood” Jace greeted him and gestured Magnus inside.

“Hi I’m Magnus Bane. Nice to meet you Jace” Magnus smiled.

“I think…I’ve seen you before…” Jace took a good look at Magnus and narrowed his eyes.

“Yes probably you have…I was at Raphael’s wedding” Magnus said.

“Oh my God! I remember you now! You are that hot guy who was talking with my brother” Jace suddenly blurted our grinning and covering his mouth in surprise.

“The hot guy?” Magnus asked raising one eyebrow.

“I’m sorry Magnus but I was teasing my brother because he seemed interested in you” Jace said.

“He was?” Magnus was surprised “So isn’t Alexander home?” he asked
“Uh…he…he had to go to Izzy’s apartment for some work” Jace lied.

“Oh” Magnus sighed.

“Magnus so will you be moving in on 19th?” Jace asked.

“Yes…so I can prep for Uni early…” Magnus said “I can’t wait to go to uni with my Alexander” he smiled.

“Your Alexander? Did I hear you wrong?” Jace asked confused and also shocked.

Magnus suddenly realized what just came out of his mouth. He was blushing. He couldn’t say anything he just looked at Jace shyly.

“Are you dating?” Jace asked.

“No Jace… No…but I do have feelings for him.” Magnus confessed “I don’t think he feels the same way. So just keep this slip of my stupid tongue a secret please…” he looked at Jace with pleading eyes. 

Jace just realized why Alec was acting so weird when he heard about Magnus. And Jace smiled and nodded. 

“Actually Jace… to be honest I want to rent your room so I could get closer to Alexander. I really want to understand him…I want to know how he feels about me…” Magnus said.

Magnus had to tell Jace about their first meeting and how he met Alec at office and how Alec ignored him. Jace listened to the whole story and when Magnus was about to leave he said “Magnus… I want you to look after my brother for me when I’m gone…” Jace said and opened the door for him. “And Magnus, don’t give up on Alec, I feel like you two will make it work” Jace winked and smiled.

Magnus was happy to hear those words from Jace so he smiled back and walked away.

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