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It was the first day of Magnus as the new Director. So he got into his beautiful suit. The suit looked amazingly good on Magnus with his complexion. 

Alec was already ready when Magnus woke up, he had also made breakfast.

They had their breakfast and got ready to leave.

“Should we go together?” Alec asked no knowing if it was okay for them to arrive at the office together. 

“My father has sent me his limousine…I might have to take that to work today…but I promise from tomorrow onwards we can go together.” Magnus said.

“So…this is going to be an office romance?” Alec asked.

“Kind of” Magnus said giving a quick kiss on Alec’s lips. 

“I’ll see you at work” Alec said and left home.

Even though Alec showed Magnus that he was completely okay. He was a bit anxious about the whole situation of him dating the new director of the company. 

He arrived at work and sat at his desk. He noticed some changes were done to the interior design of his department. The Directors room was right in front of Alec’s desk. This is surely Magnus’s doing, he thought and smiled. 

When Magnus arrived he went straight into his room. Alec could directly see Magnus from where he was. Magnus smiled at him and got back to work. 

After few hours of work he saw Magnus leaving the room for a meeting. He was happy that he could see Magnus all day now but deep down he was also scared. 

“You two made up?” Nora asked.

“Hmm…yeah” Alec replied. “Nora…I want our team to keep us dating a secret” Alec said with pleading eyes.

“Our lips are sealed…” Nora said patting on Alec’s shoulder.

After the lunch break Alec received a call on his office phone. 

“Alexander meet me in my room in 5 minutes.” Magnus said.

Alec was surprised to hear from Magnus. 

He didn’t want anyone else to be suspicious of their relationship so he took a random file in hands and knocked on Magnus’s door. “Mr. Bane, may I come in?” he asked 

“Yes, please come in…” Magnus replied. 

As Alec walked in Magnus closed the blind folds, and walked to the door and locked it behind them. He pulled Alec closer and wildly kissed Alec on the lips grabbing him from his waist. 

“I missed you so fucking much Alexander” he said between the kiss. 

Alec quickly pulled back.

“Mags, are you insane? Someone might see us” Alec said in a very concerned tone.

“No one will dare to come inside…” Magnus said and pulled Alec closer deepening the kiss. 

He lifted Alec to his desk. Alec gave out gasps of pleasure. Magnus unbuttoned the top few buttons of Alec’s shirt and used his tongue to trace Alec’s neck bone and left small bite marks all over his neck bone. Alec was having one hand on Magnus's head, running his fingers in Magnus's hair and the other on Magnus’s arm, stroking it with his fingers. They were lost in the own world. They almost lost track of time but suddenly snapped into reality when there was a knock on the door. 

Both Alec and Magnus were breathing heavily. Alec quickly got down from Magnus’s desk and adjusted his shirt and took the file in his hand.

Magnus went to the door and opened it. 

It was Meliorn. Alec and Magnus both sighed in relief.

“Looks like I had the wrong timing…” Meliorn said teasing them.

Magnus smiled.

“I came to give you these files, Mr. Bane” he said and gave Alec a very teasing look. 

“I better get back to work” Alec said and quickly left the room with Meliorn.

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