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Magnus knew that trying to make Alec stay was not possible, and he clearly knew how Alec was regretting not being able to save him the other night. And he felt stronger when Alec was by his side.

Magnus waited for Alec to get ready and they drove to the station.

"Luke, What's going on?" Magnus asked as he and Alec walked into the station.

"Tyler doesn't want to talk; he is not saying a single word...he asked to see you" Luke said.

"Luke, will this be safe?" Alec asked with concern in his eyes.

"Don't worry Alec, he is hand cuffed and he can't try anything, we will be watching and listening to him from here" Luke said as they walked into a room with a large darkened glass.

Through the glass they saw Tyler sitting at a table and looking around.

"Can he see us?" Magnus asked touching the glass.

"No Magnus, he doesn't know that we are here..." Luke said "Don't worry Magnus you'll be safe" he said seeing the fear in Magnus's eyes.

"Shall we go inside Mr. Bane?" an officer asked and Magnus nodded taking a deep breath.

"I want to go with him" Alec said.

"I'm sorry Alec but you can't..." Luke said.

Alec clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"It's okay baby...I'll be okay" Magnus said touching Alec's shoulder.

Alec nodded and Magnus walked into the room.

Tyler smirked as soon as he saw Magnus walking in "Brother, you are finally here"

"I'm not your brother" Magnus said sitting opposite to Tyler. The officer stood at the door.

Magnus took a deep breath "Why did you want to see me?"

Tyler smirked once more and kept his cuffed hands on the table.

"Magnus Bane...they want me to confess what I did...but I don't know what I need to you?" he asked.

Magnus glared at him without saying a word.

Tyler sat back relaxing, "the detective tells me that I tried to kill you...but I'll never do that to my brother, you know that Magnus"

"Shut the f*ck up Tyler...your acting is of no use...if you don't have anything to tell, I will leave" Magnus said.

"Where is your lover boy? Is he here with you?" Tyler asked looking straight at the glass. "Hello Alec I know you are there..." he said waving at the black glass.

Hitting the table with his both hands Magnus stood up shouting "Enough Tyler! I'm leaving"

"Wait brother, let me tell you something...come closer" Tyler said.

Magnus hesitated for a few seconds but bent over to Tyler's side and Tyler whispered something in his ear. Magnus widened his eyes in fear but tried to stay calm.

"What is he doing? What is he whispering to Mags?" Alec said trying to stand up.

"Alec you can't go inside, let's wait till Magnus comes" Luke said stopping Alec from entering the room.

Magnus left the room and entered the room where Alec and Luke were staying.

"Baby are you okay? What did that lunatic tell you?" Alec asked limping towards Magnus.

Magnus suddenly felt dizzy so he sat on the floor holding his head.

"Baby are you okay? I knew this was not a good idea...I knew it" Alec said touching Magnus face "baby you are so cold...what happened to you?"

"Alexander he...he...I..." Magnus stuttered.

"Hey calm down...take a deep breath" Alec said stroking Magnus's back. "Luke can we get some water?"

Luke nodded and brought a bottle of water.

Magnus finished the whole bottle in a few sips and took few deep breaths

"Alexander, he said...he said that this was not over" Magnus said with tears in his eyes "he will come after us"

"Hey it's okay..." Alec said hugging Magnus "it's fine, he'll not get out of jail any sooner okay...Luke he won't be able to get out of jail right?" Alec asked.

"He won't do anything, don't worry; I'll make sure that he serves in prison for a long time" Luke said.

Magnus nodded.

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