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“Who is this Alexander?” he asked pointing at the boy wearing the blue t-shirt. Magnus’s eyes were filled with tears. “Tell me Alexander! Who is this?” Magnus asked in a louder voice. 

Alec took a deep breath and said “that’s me Magnus… I was the boy who was with you at the hospital…”

“How can this happen?” Magnus said “How did you know?” 

“I remember that small boy…he was crying his heart out…I felt really bad for him…I knew that his mother has already passed away…but I couldn’t just tell him…I wanted to calm him down and help him…” Alec said. 

“Why didn’t you tell me at the restaurant?” Magnus asked with tears in his eyes.

“I wanted to make sure…if you were talking about me” Alec said touching Magnus’s hand.

“Alexander…I looked for you for all these years and you were always there right next to me…” Magnus said hugging Alec tightly.

Alec hugged him back.

“Alexander you were my first love…” Magnus said pulling back and looking into Alec’s eyes. 

Magnus hugged him again. “You are my first love and only love” he said while hugging. 

He pulled back once more and touched Alec’s face. Alec felt a current in his body.

“I love you Alexander Lightwood” Magnus said looking deep into his eyes and stroking his face.

Alec was shocked and happy to hear those words for the first time coming out from Magnus’s mouth.

Alec stroke Magnus’s face with his fingers. He suddenly lifted Magnus up so that Magnus was facing Alec and sitting on his lap. He gave a long kiss on Magnus’s forehead and looked into his eyes. “I love you too Magnus Bane” he said and pulled Magnus closer.

Magnus wrapped his legs around Alec’s waist and his arms around Alec’s neck and hugged him for a long time giving pecks on his shoulder and neck. He pulled back and looked at Alec touching his eyes, he kissed Alec above his eyes. Alec closed his eyes and Magnus continued to kiss Alec’s eyes and then his lips. 

“I love you so much Alexander” he said through the kisses “I’ll never leave your side my love” he said and continued to deepen the kiss. He removed his t-shirt and removed Alec’s jacket. His hands slowly ran from Alec’s neck to his chest and he removed Alec’s t-shirt still kissing him deeply.

There was so much passion. Magnus now didn’t want to control his desire to have Alec for himself. He pushed Alec on the bed and got on top of him. He kissed Alec’s neck aggressively leaving bite marks all over his neck. Alec gave out gasps of pleasure. He has never felt like this before. There was pain mixed with pleasure. 

Magnus continued to kiss Alec’s chest and his abs leaving marks all over his body. Alec grabbed Magnus and pulled him up to kiss his lips. He turned Magnus over and he got on top of him. “I love you so much” he said kissing Magnus while his hands roamed up and down on Magnus’s body. He pinned one of Magnus’s arms above his head and deepened the kiss making Magnus moan in pleasure. Magnus with his free hand tried to unbutton Alec’s trouser when they heard the doorbell ring.

“Damn it” Alec said rolling over Magnus’s side. There was disappointed on both their faces.

“I’ll check” Alec said quickly putting on his t-shirt. “To be continued” he winked at Magnus and went downstairs.

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