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Back at home Alec was preparing dinner for Jace and him. He hears the doorbell ring “I’ll check” Jace said and walked to the door.

“Surprise!” Alec heard Izzy’s voice. Alec ran out from the kitchen. “Izzy” he hugged her.

“So my dear brothers what have you two been up to for the last 2 months hah?” Izzy asked teasing them.
“Nothing much Izz…work and studies…” Jace replied. Alec nodded in agreement. 

“Guys, I want you to meet someone” Izzy said. Both her brothers were surprised and excited to finally meet Izzy’s someone.

“Come in Si” she called out. A nerdy looking guy wearing a baggy tee and nerdy glasses came inside. “Guys, meet Simon. My one and only love” and Izzy kissed Simon on the cheek. Simon blushed. 
“Aww look at Simon turning red” Jace teased him “I’m Jace” he held out his hand and they shook hands, “hope we get along” Jace winked and sat on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn.
“Hi Simon, I’m Alec Izzy’s big brother” Alec smiled shaking hands.
“Hi guys, I’m so excited to finally meet you” Simon said smiling. He looked nervous. 

“Clary, Cat and Raph will be here in a few minutes” Izzy said “I wanted to introduce Si to everyone” Izzy walked to the kitchen “What’s for dinner big brother?”
“I was going to make some pasta for us… but now that you two and everyone one will be here…should we order something? Alec asked

“Let’s order pizza” Jace said 

“Cool” Izzy said

When everyone arrived Izzy introduced Simon and they all had a wonderful night joking around and teasing the newest couple.

Simon didn’t feel awkward at all. He felt like he knew this bunch for all his life. They were so friendly that Simon forgot that he was totally new to this gang.

They spent the next few weeks and months having fun and getting to know each other. 

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