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"Hayley can you leave for a while?" Magnus asked.

Hayley nodded and left the room. Magnus walked to the door and locked it and then closed all the blindfolds.

Alec was confused.

"Alexander, when I talked to my father..." he said walking towards Alec "he said somethings that scared the hell out of me..." he said and sat next to Alec.

He hugged Alec really tightly. "Alexander I don't want anything to happen to you...I don't want to see you getting hurt..." Magnus said still hugging him.

"Did he threaten me or something?" Alec asked.

Magnus pulled back and nodded looking away not being able to look at Alec's eyes.

"'s okay...he can't do anything to me...I'm sure he'll come around...let's give him some time." Alec said caressing Magnus's shoulder.

"You don't know him Alexander...he is very dangerous" Magnus said.

"So what do you want me to do? Stop our relationship?" Alec asked now annoyed.

"No...never Alexander...he promised me that he will not do any harm to you if I...if I..." Magnus was struggling to say what he wanted to.

"If you do what Magnus?" Alec asked.

"If I move from you house to a new apartment" he said.

Alec was shocked. "What? That's insane..." he said.

Magnus was crying.

"I can't let you can't...I don't want to..." Alec said tears running down his cheek.

"Alexander, it won't be for a long time...please understand...I will visit you every day...we'll go on date at least 3 times a week...I have to do this to keep you safe Alexander" Magnus said hugging Alec who was crying his heart out.

Alec didn't know what to say. He didn't want Magnus to leave but he didn't want to come between him and his father.

After almost half an hour both Magnus and Alec calmed themselves down.

Magnus touched Alec's cheek. "Alexander, just remember that I'll always love you...okay?" he said.

Alec nodded and pulled him to a tight hug.

Aldertree then knocked on the door. Magnus unlocked the door. "Please come in..."

"Alec, I talked with the department head of the other department, you can start work tomorrow, they will arrange the desk for you" Aldertree said and sighed.

Alec wiped away his tears and blinked to come back to his senses. "Okay Aldertree, thank you, I'll pack my stuff" Alec said.

Aldertree felt really bad for loosing Alec, he nodded and just left the room.

"Mags, I might not see you often now...I know we can go on dates, but it's the end of the financial year and both of us will get really busy...I'll miss you so much..." Alec said hugging Magnus tightly.

"I know Alexander, but let's try our best to meetup as much as we can okay?" Magnus said stroking Alec's hair. "Now you better get your stuff ready" Magnus sighed.

Alec pulled back and nodded. He gave a kiss on Magnus's cheek and left the room.

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