My hood is up and my head is down. I have my mask on, but no one needs to see that yet. It's mid morning and it's still unusually quiet. The few spontaneous snowflakes falling, landing on me, and melting seconds later, are keeping me grounded in the present. I'm prepared for this weather with boots, gloves and a few layers but it's still not enough. I fucking hate the cold.
I have no idea why people choose to live in places like this if they have the option to go just about anywhere else. Some people are just stuck where they are, though. I know if I had a choice, I'd be somewhere sunny and warm and welcoming.
The clouds and cold here act as a shield, keeping you at a distance or maybe keeping you in. I can't let that get to me, though. The snowflakes are beautiful; when you're inside by the fire. So instead I picture myself on a nice beach, sun in my face, waves crashing..
Of course, just when I'm about to get in the water in my little fantasy, some guy comes around the corner bringing me back to reality and into focus. He looks like he's in a rush, panicking, and despite the cold, he's sweating. He's also right on time. Whether he knows it or not. I know he sees me and I know he's heading right for me. My adrenaline spikes with the knowledge of what's about to happen. But this is what Im here for and I always finish the job. Even if finishing the job isn't exactly how I usually like to handle things; I have to put myself out there, making myself a little vulnerable. This is a long game though, and I'm ten steps ahead.
As I glance up to see this mans face, he moves his gun, pointing it right at my head, thus stopping me in my tracks. This bitch. "Give me your wallet." Oh he thinks he's going to make demands. He spoke though, so his accent gives him away and only clarifies to me more that I've got the right guy. He's definitely not from here, I'm thinking Russian? Yeah, Russian.
Im not so worried about myself talking as I know my mask not only hides my facial features but my voice as well. Im no rookie.
He, however, seems like a rookie. His short dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and scar along his right jawline were giving away too much information. He has a small nose, upturned at the end and some fairly big lips. I could see where some would call him handsome, maybe? Oh, and he's also super tall. Doesn't help that I'm pretty short.
I slowly reach for the wallet in my back pocket as I let him know, "alright man, but you should know; I only have like three dollars." To prove this, I open it and grab the three one dollar bills. "If you don't believe me, then take the whole thing." I throw it at him: this is where he makes another mistake. Dumbass.
Using both of his hands, he searches the wallet. He is giving me the opportunity to once again reach behind me, but this time I bring out my own gun. I swiftly move to him placing the gun right against his temple, swiping his gun from him.
I go to put it behind me but in reality I use one of my special skillsets and it vanishes, disappearing from view and reappearing to right where I want it to be. Now I have this fool right where I need him. It's almost too easy.
"Is this your first time trying to rob someone? Cause I don't think you're suppose to be the one with a gun pointed at you." He doesn't answer me, he looks absolutely terrified. In his defense, he does have my glock 43 aimed right at his forehead. I'd probably be scared shitless too. If I was normal. Ha.
"Okay, boy you've got to give me something here. Blink once if you understand me." He does as he's told. "I'm going to give you a little lesson, ya?" I don't wait for a reply as I continue, "first: don't try to rob someone in the middle of the day, you're lucky it's quiet. Secondly, I want you to look over at this fine bakery establishment to your left, which I assume would be a fantastic recommendation under different circumstances."
He doesn't move right away so I offer some encouragement. "Go on, I won't shoot you if you look." So he does. "And now you see the next mistake you made. See, there's cameras pointed right at us. Wave to the camera and give it a smile." He reluctantly does so.
This guy is putty in my hands. I can't help but take it a bit farther. "Now look at me." Again, he follows orders. "Give me my wallet back." I don't even think he realizes he still had it, but he gives it to me. "Thanks. It's been a pleasure doing business with you." It really hasn't. But he's served his purpose for now.
So at this point I've done my job, messed with him a bit, and can get on my merry way. "Lesson is done for the day so as my closing statement; stay here, count for a minute and DO NOT turn around. If you do you will find one of my lovely bullets as the cause of your pain. Again, blink once if you understand."
Like the good little pet he is, he complies. I slowly walk around him not turning my back to him for a moment. I take a few steps backwards, getting out of the way of the bakery cameras before I go invisible. I wait a few seconds to make sure he doesn't move. Yup, the guy was scared shitless enough not to move; I'm free to go. I start walking, turning down an alley and vanish completely this time.
A few seconds later I had arrived at my apartment. The warmth immediately helping me relax. A little bit, anyway. The chill had reached my bones so I needed a few minutes. But only a few. I'm still here on business, after all. So with my still gloved hands, I grab the gun I had placed on the table and carefully pack it into a secure envelope. Accompanying the gun is a nice little note I type up;
Think this might lead you to where you need to go. If the fingerprints and barrel aren't enough, the guy you're looking for is on Cider Street in front of Homey Sweets at 10:52 am, check the cameras. He tried to rob me if it wasn't apparent. But, I think you'll find him linked to the real robbery two blocks over at the central bank.
You're welcome.I'm playing the nice little person just trying to do their part in getting bad guys off the street. I actually laughed out loud at that. Shut up, I know it's kind of sad. Don't talk about it.
That task being complete, I seal the package. I turn invisible, then teleport over to the police station. I make sure no one is there, quickly leaving the package at the front desk and ringing the bell so someone would be sure to come out and see it. I walk outside and look in from the window. I see an officer glance around confused before picking up the bundle and inspecting it. She opens it slowly; this is fair, never know what someone might drop off at a police station. On second thought, maybe she should be a little more cautious and call the bomb squad or back up or something? She doesn't. Once she realizes it's a gun and reads the note. She harshly speaks into her radio, her face giving away the urgency.
At this, my part in all of this is complete. Some jobs are just too easy. Poor suckers won't know what the hell happened. However, I don't plan on being around to see their pissed off faces. I teleport back to my apartment and immediately start packing my bag. I grab the few outfits laying around, the few guns I own, and stock up all of the cash I had.
Considering I don't have a lot of possessions, the next part is fairly easy. If anyone were to come by I can't have any evidence showing them I was here. I take the few things that are left and teleport them to my safe house.
Man, is it fan-fucking- tastic having powers. I have no idea what normal people do; I can't imagine not having powers now. And with the control I have over them I'm able to project my powers over objects and other people. Like what I did with this dumbasses gun or my few belongings. Turn it invisible? Sure. Teleport it? Yes. Also, I have some slight strength powers, but it takes a back burner to the others. Don't want to show off.
I will clearly have a fantastic career in a moving business if, for some reason, my current job doesn't work out. Gotta have a back up plan.
Oh, you want to know how I got these powers? Well I just stay focused on the future, ya know? And to be honest, though I do know there was a point in my life where I didn't have powers, I've just done a very good job of making sure I don't remember that time. Or really the time when I got them or much afterwards..
I break out of my thoughts, shaking my head. That's a steep slope I don't plan on sliding down. Time to focus on what's next and personally I think I've earned myself some real time on that beach I had been picturing...

Fanfiction*** I want to thank everyone that has taken the time to read my book, I can not believe it has over 50k views! I appreciate you all so much 💙 Spencer is just a normal girl. Sure, she has powers. But she also has a past that haunts her, family issu...