Chapter 3: The Greenes Farm

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Y/N's POV:

I was inside the car when a man spoke to me.

The Man: "Hey, Y/N is it?"

Y/N: "Y-Y-Yes, what's your name?"

Lee: "My name is Lee. I heard about what happened to your parents and brother, but it seems your cat and sister are looking after you."

My face went sad from that as Lee put his hand on my shoulder.

Lee: "It's going to be ok, your sister seems strong and I promise, I'll help get you through this."

I looked at him a smiled, feeling a bit better.

Y/N: "T-T-Thanks."

Lee's POV:

We arrived at a farm around nighttime as we parked we all got out of the car.

Chet: "Hey, Shawn... I'm a' run on home. My mama's gonna be in a snit."

Shawn: "No sweat, man. I'll catch you tomorrow night."

Chet looked at me, Clementine, Y/N and his sister.

Chet: "It was nice to meet ya all."

I then waved Chet goodbye as he left the farm. I held Clem's hand as I then hear the farmhouse door open.

???: "Thank God, you're ok."

Shawn: "I was worried it'd be bad here, too."

Shawn then hugged what appears to be his father.

???: "Been quiet as usual the past couple days. Ol' Breckon down the way thinks his mare's gone lame but that ain't noting new."

Shawn: "I wouldn't have made it back without Chet."

???: "Well, I'm glad you took him with you then."

Me, Clem, Y/N and Y/S/N walked up to them both.

???: "You've brought some guests."

Lee: "Your boy's a lifesaver."

???: "Glad he could be of help to somebody."

???: "So, this is your family?" He said looking at me and the kids.

Shawn: "Oh not his family, those two are brother and sister who needed help so me and Chet decided to bring them here as they saw their parents die, the little girl is with him and he's... well... Just some guy who found her alone."

Shawn's father then kneeled looking at Clem.

???: "Honey, do you know this man?"

Clem: "Yes."

???: "Ok then."

He then looked at my leg and spotted it was injured.

???: "Well, looks like you hurt your leg pretty bad there."

Lee: "Yeah, it's not doing so good."

???: "I can help you out. Shawn, run on in and check on your sister. You, take a seat up on the porch and I'll go see what I have."

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