Chapter 81: Jesus

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3rd Person POV: ( Location: Abandoned Gas Station )

They drive through an abandoned gas station, and Tripp steps out in front of the car. Eleanor pulls to a stop.

Eleanor: Great. What now?

Tripp: I've got some bad news.

Javi: *steps out of the car* So what's going on?

Tripp: Well, we got a bunch of cars clogging the underpass. Too many to drive through. We're gonna need to move some of 'em outta the way.

Gabe and Clem then get out of the car.

Gabe: Hey. I'm coming, too.

Eleanor: I'll stay with Kate and keep a lookout.

Javi: Yell at us if anything happens.

Tripp: Awfully convenient the pass is blocked like this.

Conrad: Not convenient at all, if you ask me.

(Y/N): Maybe.

Groans and moans are then heard. We all turn to see two walkers approaching. (Y/N) walks over, and kicks the legs of one, causing it to fall to the ground and allow him to kill it with (W/N). Conrad uses his gun to butt the other in the face.

Javier: If we move that car right there, we should be good. C'mon, let's get to work and clear it out.

Uriel: Your the boss.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I walk over to the car I was just in, I look inside to see Ivan resting. I let out a sigh as I look around. I spot Clementine looking away from me all by herself. I start walking over to her.

Me: Clem?

She jumps and turns around.

Clem: Oh...Oh it's you...

Me: What's wrong?

Clem: N-Nothing...

Me: Clem, I'm serious. What. Is. Wrong?

Clem: Umm, I-I...uhhh.

Me: What?

???: Everything alright over here?

We both turn around to see Javi.

Me: I am, Clem's not.

Clem: What?!

Javi: What's wrong?

Me: Clem...Seriously, what's going on? You can tell me.

Clem looks at me then at Javi.

Clem: Forget about it.

Me and Javi then walk away.

Javi: She always like that?

Me: No.

Javi: Oh, well, I'm sure it's nothing. I'm going to go find a way to get the car out of the way.

Me: Yeah, you do that.

I just sigh and walk off, I lean against a car as I hear footsteps. I turn to see Uriel lean against the car next to me.

Me: Anything you want?

Uriel: Nah. Just checking on ya. How're you holding up?

Me: Not good. Not good.

Uriel: Sorry to hear that. You're a very tough kid. Like, extremely tough kid. *chuckles* Reminds me of my brother.

Me: You had a brother?

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now