Chapter 20: Losing Everything

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Lee's POV:

Y/N is crying like hell, I can't believe this. Why did Lilly do it?

Me: Y/N, are you okay.

He looked up at me, his eyes were red from tears, he didn't say a word as he looked back down. Clementine wrapped her arms around him.

Clementine: You're going to be okay.

Still silence.

Katjaa: Lee, a word, please?

I then head to Kenny and Katjaa.

Me: What's up?

They look at each other as I notice Duck feeling unwell.

Me: Is Duck feeling all right?

Katjaa then took her hands off of his hands revealing a bite mark!

Me: What the fuck...

Kenny: Happened during the raid.

Me: What's the plan? We've never had a bite victim in the group before.

Katjaa: I'm going to keep an eye on him and see what I can do, from a medical perspective.

Kenny: We keep the same plan unless something changes. East.

Me: Guys...

Katjaa: What else is there to do?! We thought you should know.

Kenny then looked at me with sadness.

Kenny: Important to stay honest with each other.

He then looks back at the road.

Kenny: I feel bad for Y/N.

Me: Yeah, now I think I need to keep him in my care no matter what.

Kenny: That kids going through literal hell. He lost his mother, father, brother, cat and now his sister. His whole family is dead, and now he's losing...

Kenny didn't finish and I know why.

Katjaa: If you could tell him and Clementine we would appreciate it.

I nodded as I went to sit next to Y/N and Clementine, all I could hear was crying. I wrap my hands around both of them.

Me: Duck is bitten.

Clementine then looks up at me.

Clementine: Huh?

Y/N stops crying for a bit, but then begins crying even more.

Me: He got bit by a walker trying to escape the motel.

Clementine: I don't feel good.

Y/N: What...? Fir...first Milky then Carley then my sister then my friend.

I could tell that he was at the point of breaking down, his response even made me shed a tear.

Y/N: I'm losing everything, we didn't even bury her.

Me: There was no time for a burial... I'm sorry.

Clementine: Walkers?

Me: Yeah. Horrible.

Y/N: What if... you... what if Lee dies next, or you Clem.

Me: I promise, I won't leave you.

Clementine: I'm going to stay with you too, Y/N. Maybe when we find my parents you can live with us.

This calmed him down... but only slightly.

Me: I'm glad I have you, two.

Clementine: Me, too.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now