Chapter 67: Guests

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Vernon's POV:

We've got quite a bit of information regarding Wellington. We plan to start traveling there in a month. And we have a plan to collect everyone.

Clem's POV: ( 4 months later )

It's been 4 months since Harold and Josh fought. I tried to find Harold to apologise to him for shutting him out when he was just trying to apologise for his actions. But he disappeared out of the blue.

Josh was put under supervision, me and Sarah had barely any time to speak with him.

I just got done finishing some work around Wellington, I enter Bradley's office.

Bradley: Oh! Clem! Please, take a seat.

He motions towards a chair in front of his desk. I sit down on the chair.

Bradley: So... what may I help you with?

Me: What ever happened to Harold? I haven't seen him in months.

Bradley: He left Wellington to join up with some other group. He said something about "Delta" and meeting with a guy called Abel.

Me: Oh... well... anyway. Why is Josh still under supervision? It's been 4 months.

Bradley: Wellington is a place of safety, not violence.

Me: Yeah but, if Harold's gone, can't you just give him another chance?

He ponders for a moment.

Bradley: No.

Me: What? But... it's been months!

Bradley: Yes but, the community doesn't see it that way. Do you know how many bandits and terrible communities are out there right now? One single violent action is something that can push someone over the edge.

Me: That is stupid.

Bradley: I'm being a smart and caring leader for Wellington. I frankly don't give a rats ass if you think it's stupid or not, remember Clem. You chose to come in here rather than go out and find your friend.

Me: Because AJ needs to be safe!

Bradley: Remember that earthquake we had three months ago? How much damage it caused? A fuck ton. I was the one who fixed and cleaned the place while you and Sarah stayed in your dorms not giving a shit about anyone else!

Me: Well at least let Sarah see him! Your not even letting her see her own boyfriend!

Bradley: Sarah needs to focus on her work. Not a relationship.

Me: So much for caring about the community.

Bradley: *curls up his fists into a ball* Sarah would just stay with him all the time not bothering to do her work like she used to!

Me: Harold didn't have to do any work. So why can't Sarah?!

Bradley: I had my reasons.

Me: Were you picking favourites?

I looked at him and noticed he was trying to think of something.

Bradley: No! He... he... was a... he did work, just when you didn't know.

Me: That is the dumbest excuse ever! This place is going to fall if you don't stick your head out of your ass! So how about you actually start caring about people for once!

Before he is able to say another word, I stand back up and storm out of the office as I head back to my dorm. Once I arrive at my dorm, someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and see Sarah.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now