Chapter 100: Confrontation

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Chapter 100... wow...

Never thought I'd make it this far, thank you all so much!! It still feels like yesterday when I begun this story, not knowing what to do with it. But still... thank you all so much!!!!

I really do mean it...

And happy new years to you all!!! So how about we end this year and Chapter 100 with a bang! (you all know what "bang" I'm talking about)

Let's all hope that 2023 will be a good one!!

Clementine's POV:

I wake up from the distant sound of arguing, this seemed to also wake AJ up and (Y/n) was already out of the bed.

AJ: What's that?

(Y/n): I have no idea.

Me: Shhh.

I walk over to the bedside table, and grab my hat and a candle. I put my hat on and ignite the candle as I walked over to the door. The voices becoming slightly louder.

Me: What the hell?

AJ: There's voices in the pipes.

(Y/n): Sounds like... arguing? Maybe?

Me: Maybe. But I think someone's in trouble.

AJ: Is it us?

Me: No, no, no. Not right now, but we should help them.

AJ: If it's a monster, we should kill it.

(Y/n): Doesn't sound like one...

Me: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah?

Me: Stay here and look after AJ.

(Y/n): But--

Me: Please. For me.

He then nods his head, I then look at AJ.

Me: You got your gun?

AJ: Uh-huh. *takes out his revolver*

(Y/n): And I have, (W/n).

Me: Okay, good. I'll be right back. Stay safe. The both of you.

I the walk over to the door and open it, I turn to (Y/n) and AJ.

(Y/n): Be careful.

Me: I will.

I then leave the dorm room. I hear the voices again and begin following the noises. I eventually make it to the basement door, I put my ear up to the door to listen. I can't understand a thing so I try and open the door. It's locked from both sides. I need to find another way. I look at a map nearby.

Me: The cellar door out in the yard.

I then proceed to walk outside the building. Rain pouring from the clouds in the night sky, and the sound of thunder was present.

Me: According to the map, there should be another entrance to the basement around here.

I investigate until I come across the cellar door. I listen carefully.

???: You are unbelievable! You fucking coward!

???: Hey, HEY! We are in this together. You will not put this on me!

I then grab a nearby brick and break the padlock to the basement. Once broken, I start climbing down the stairs. As I'm walking towards the voices, they continue arguing.

???: Damn it, Brody! We don't even know for sure it was them! And (Y/n) said he kicked him into the walkers, which means he ain't gonna bother us.

Brody: You know he's not alone! Those bastards are back and it's only a matter of time before they find us! You know that! And you know what Harold did to--

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now