Chapter 46: An Old Friend

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(Y/N)'s POV:

We finally make it up to the ski lodge after a few hours as everyone begins to get tired from all of the walking.

Rebecca: Well? What are we waiting for?

Carlos: We have to be careful.

Rebecca: Careful? We've been on the road for five days. My back is done bein' careful.

Alvin: Doesn't look like anybody's home.

We all start looking around, Alvin checks some planks holding the windows down.

Alvin: Damn. Nailed down tight. I'll check round front.

Carlos: I'll go with you.

Carlos and Nick go to check the front as I watch the view from up here. Luke walks up to me.

Luke: Well, it'd be good to know if anybody's actually back there. Could probably get a better view from up top. You or Clem will have an easier time gettin' up there. You feel like takin' a look? It'll be just like climbing a treehouse. You know, just a really tall treehouse.

Me: What am I looking for?

Luke: Anyone following us.

Me: How will we know it's them?

Luke: We'll know.

Me and Luke walk over to the chair lift ladder as Clementine also follows us.

Clem: What're you two doing?

Luke: (Y/N)'s gonna climb up the ski lift and make sure no one's following us.

Clem: Oh, okay. (looks at me) Be careful.

She gives me her binoculars, so I take it.

Me: I will.

I look up at the ski lift.

Luke: Just take it slow, and I'll catch you if you fall. Probably.

I glare at Luke.

Clem: I promise I will catch you.

I smile at her as I put my hands on the ladder.

Luke: Got a good grip?

Me: Yeah.

I start climbing the ladder.

Luke: When I was a kid we used to jump rooftops downtown. Now that was fun.

Clem: That sounds stupid.

Luke: Yeah, yeah, it was. The trick was to not look down, though.

While climbing my foot slips a little as I gasp but I manage to hold on to the ladder preventing me from falling.

Clem: (Y/N)!

Luke: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're fine. Just look at me and Clem, okay? You're fine. All right, just-- just slow down. Just for a second, okay?

I look down and see Luke and Clementine holding their hands out like morons.

Me: You both look like idiots.

They put their hands down.

Luke/Clem: Just climb the thing./Shut up.

I continue climbing as I make it to the top.

Me: Made it!

I pull out Clem's binoculars and start looking.

Luke: See anything?

Me: I can see the bridge!

Eventually I see a light moving at the end of the bridge!

Me: Wait, I see something!

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now