Chapter 62: Everything Goes Wrong

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I wake up from the dream and see Mike kneeled down looking at Arvo.

Mike: Let me take a look at you, kid. Jesus. He coulda killed you. The fuck is wrong with him? Jack and Sarah didn't make anything better either.

Jane: You're up.

I look up and see Jane sitting on a bench of some
kind looking at me. I try and stand up only to feel some weight on me, I look and see Clem has her arm wrapped around me as she sleeps peacefully. I blush seeing her like this. I slowly put her hands off of me to not wake her up, only to no success as she yawns and wakes up.

Me: Oh, hey, Clem.

She looks at me and smiles.

Clem: You feeling better?

Me: Yeah, I'm not cold anymore.

Clem: Good.

We then both stand up and sit next to Jane.

Me: Where's Kenny?

Jane: He's out back, trying to get some stupid truck started.

Me: Oh god, he's a truck god now.

Jane: *shrugs* Anyways, here. *shows us a can of food* You two should eat something.

I let Clem eat first as I look back at Arvo and Mike.

Mike: You okay?

Arvo: Thank you.

Clem starts eating as Jane looks sad for some reason.

Jane: I can't believe he's gone.

I then remember what happened to Luke, and immediately look down. I pull out Luke's machete and stare at it as a tear falls onto it.

Jane: I've lost people before, but... it just hasn't felt this... this shitty in a while.

Clem: He was a great guy.

Jane: Goddamnit... I shouldn't have come back. I knew this would happen. I knew it. *sighs* Always does.

Clem: We'll be okay. Trust me.

Jane: *starts smiling at Clem* If you say so.

Mike: *to Arvo* I'm gonna find somethin' to clean that up. *stands up*

Arvo: Thank you... thank you...

Mike: *starts walking away* I can't take this shit anymore.

Mike leaves as I stand up still with Luke's machete in my hand.

Clem: Where are you going?

Me: I just need... time to myself.

Before I could leave, Kenny walks up.

Kenny: Feelin' better?

Me: Yeah.

Kenny: Hell of a day. But we gotta get movin'. If any of you're feelin' up to it, I could use a hand out back with this truck. This house ain't worth a crap, but the vehicles ain't in bad shape. With a little luck we can get one fixed up and be outta here by nightfall.

Clem: I'll do it, Kenny.

Kenny: That's the spirit, darlin'. I'll wait for ya out back.

Clem looks at AJ.

Jane: I'll watch him.

I take off Clem's jacket and give it back to her as I put my shirt that was hanging by the fire back on. I start walking away, I eventually make it upstairs and sit down as I stare at Luke's machete remembering everything he did.

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