Chapter 104: Aggression or Depression?

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Me: Ahh!

I jolt up from that... nightmare. My breathing becomes heavy and unstable. I can feel myself sweating.

???: (Y/n)...?

A hand suddenly touched my shoulder, I jump up and spin around to notice, in the darkness, Clementine. A worried look painted in her eyes. I turn my head to see AJ peacefully sleeping.

Clem: Are you, okay?

I turn back to her.

Me: *in a low voice* Does it... look like I'm okay?

Clementine tries to speak, but doesn't know what to say. I let out a sigh as I try to stand up, but Clementine forces me back down.

Clem: No... you're still hurt.

Me: But--

???: She's right.

I turn around to see a guy around our age.

James: My name is James. I helped you three.

Me: Oh... thanks, then.

James: And as I was saying, you really need rest. I don't know how you're even speaking normally or sitting up, but you're still injured badly.

Me: I've had worse.

Clem: Why? There's no reason not to rest. James is doing surveillance, so there's nothing to worry about.

I try to speak, but find I'm unable to. I don't even know why I refused to rest myself. I think I've forgotten? Anyway, since I'm unable to think of any excuse, and I'm hurt... both physically and mentally, I decide to listen.

Me: Fine...

Clementine lets out a sigh of relief as James smiles and nods, before walking off to continue his patrol. Clem lays me back down. I still don't know why I even wanted to try to stay up... wait.

The nightmares. How did I forget?!

I was about to get back up and give that reasoning when Clementine spoke in a soft and calming voice...

Clem: Goodnight, (Y/n)...

Something about that tone calmed me down immediately, and threw me into my slumber.

There were no nightmares after that...


3rd Person POV:

James walks up to a bridge, he is also seen helping (Y/n) walk. (Y/n)'s eyes are seen to be almost lacking in colour, despite not having nightmares when he slept again... that previous nightmare hit him like a truck when he woke back up.

James: Don't hurt yourself too much.

(Y/n): Yeah, I know...

They both look back to see Clementine, who's holding AJ, walk up to them.

James: Is he awake?

Clem: Yeah. He's so hot.

(Y/n): You... look exhausted, Clem.

Clem: So do you.

(Y/n): I... I guess...

Clem: Anyways, I got him.

James: Okay. Let's go.

They then continue moving. By the time they're at the area in front of the school with the traps, AJ groans.

AJ: Hurts.

Clem: Hang on. We're almost there.

Once they make it to the gates, James helps set (Y/n) down by some rocks. But then...

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now