Chapter 33: Lee's Bite

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Me and Clementine hear the door open downstairs.

Christa: Omid?

Lee: Clementine? (Y/N)?

Clem looks at me excited.

Clementine: They're back!

Lee: Clementine? Clementine!

Me and Clem start walking downstairs, once we see we both immediately run over to him and give him a big hug, the hug lasted 6 seconds until we let go.

Clementine: You made it back!

Lee: Told you I would, didn't I?

Clementine: Did you find my parents?

Lee: No, we didn't. I'm sorry sweet pea. I looked for them, but... no.

Me: I'm glad your safe, Lee.

He smiles at me.

Christa: (Y/N). Clementine. What happened here?

Clementine: One of those things got inside. It tried to get upstairs. I stopped it.

Christa: Upstairs? Omid...

Christa immediately runs upstairs as Vernon follows behind.

Lee: You did good, kiddo. Real good.

Me: Yeah, Clem great job.

She and Lee smiled at me.

Kenny: Where's Tony?

Me: He... escaped.

Kenny: Fuck.

Kenny punched a wall.

Lee: Hey, what do you both say we go check on Omid?

Clem nods.

Me: Okay.

Me, Clem, Lee and Kenny go upstairs.

Lee: Christa? Everything okay?

Christa: Omid...

Christa runs over to Omid and holds his hand.

Lee: Hold on... (Lee looks at Vernon) Is he... dead?

Lee looks back over to Christa.

Lee: Christa, don't! Stay back!

Christa: I never should have left you... I'm so sorry...

Vernon: Christa, get away from him!

Omid then rises his head up as he begins panting, Lee pulls Christa away.

Omid: Hey. Back already?

Christa gasps as I let go of her.

Christa: We got you medicine.

Omid: Good, feel like I could use some.

Vernon gives Omid some painkillers.

Omid: Where's Ben?

I look around and notice Ben's not here.

Me: Yeah, where's Ben?

Christa: He didn't make it.

Omid: What happened?

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now