Chapter 73: The Final Showdown ( Part 2 )

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Xander: Looks like your finally getting that death wish after all!

I stand back up on my feet as I glare at Xander.

Me: Fuck you...

This angers him, he rushes over to me but I dodge out of the way and push him towards a railing, a loud "clang" is heard as he rushes again, we start throwing punches at each other while consistently dodging. I look over to see Luke's machete on ground, I try and run for it only for Xander to pin me against the wall and begin to choke me. I struggle, but then I raise my leg and kick him in the nuts causing him to let me go, I punch his face making him stumble back as I pick up Luke's machete. And quickly slit his throat. Xander begins to choke on his own blood as it pours out of his throat, he then falls to the ground and stops moving completely. I fall to my knees as I look at Luke's machete which was now covered in his blood. I hear fighting which causes me to turn around to see Kenny and Vernon fighting, I quickly grab Xander's gun and run over to help.

3rd Person POV:

Meanwhile, a group of trucks with walkers inside them can be seen driving over to Isaac's Base. Isaac approaches the gate to see them exit.

A bald guy with a beard and a guy with a beanie approach the gate.

Isaac: Who the fuck are you all? And what do you want?

Max: The names, Max. And well, let's just say we need some supplies.

Isaac: I don't give a fucking shit! What's stopping me from getting my guards to put bullets in the back of all of your heads?!

Badger: Because you don't want to fuck with us!

Isaac: Who do you all think you are!?

Badger: The New Frontier! And under our leader's orders! We're here to take everything from you!

The trucks with walkers inside then ram into the base as Isaac and his people begin to scatter. A full on shoot out has started.

Kenny's POV:

I charge at Vernon and we get into brawl. Throwing punches against each other. Bruises on both of our faces as we attack each other viscously.

Me: How can an old man like you know how to FIGHT?!?

Vernon: In the apocalypse, it doesn't matter how old you are! As long as you know how to--

I then punch him in the face, which breaks his nose.

Vernon: Oww... you fuckin' bitch!

Me: Why are you doing this? What do you gain out of this?!


He then charges at me again as I move out of the way and punch him.

Vernon: Don't you get it! This is the world now! I thought that this would all go away within a year or so. But nooo, it's been over three fucking years and there has been no hope!

Me: You've gone insane!


We then start throwing punches again. My hat falls off my head and onto the ground as Vernon punches me hard. I fall to the ground as he then kicks my ribs.

Vernon: If you think you can kill me! You're just like the Walkers! You can't kill m--


A gunshot goes off as Vernon's stomach begins bleeding heavily, he looks down and holds his stomach as he falls to the floor as (Y/N) is revealed behind him holding Xander's gun.

Vernon's stomach starts spilling massive amounts of blood, (Y/N) helps me up as we look at Vernon who leans himself against a wall.

(Y/N)'s POV:

We turn to look at Vernon.

Me: I'm sorry, but you left us no other choice, Vernon.

Vernon: *coughs blood and laughs* You can't escape... Isaac and our men will shoot you as soon as they see you... you're fucked!

Me: Everything you've done in the past! You used to actually be a good person! But then you decided to steal a boat, murder people and torture some others!

Kenny: Karma's a bitch, ain't it, Vernon?

Vernon: I don't have any regrets, actually, I still have one. I should've shot Lee when he showed up in that bunker, and I should've killed you all in that manor!

Me: Rot in hell!

Vernon: *smiles and snickers* Oh, I will... I will... I willl...

His body then goes limb. I aim at his brain and pull the trigger, killing both him and his walker form.

Me: Let's go.

Me and Kenny then walk away, Kenny picks up his hat and puts it back on his head, as I'm walking past Xander's body, I shoot him in the face while still walking.

Me: I... really hope the others are safe...

Kenny: Me too.

Only one thing left to do...

Kill Isaac. And end this.

Sorry for the short chapter. But this was mainly to set up for the true final showdown.

The next chapter may take a bit due to the amount of action and focus I have to put into it. 860 words.

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