Chapter 79: Ties That Bind

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Javi's POV: ( Location: Prescott )

Kate: *screaming in pain*

Gabe: Help her! You gotta help her!

Eleanor: *finding some medical supplies* Keep pressure on the wound!

I listen to Eleanor as I put my hands on the bullet wound.

Tripp: *to Eleanor* Can you help her?

Eleanor: What happened?

Uriel: Some sort of clan attacked us!

Tripp: Those fuckers got the drop on us, and--

Eleanor: What happened to her?

Me: She was shot.

Tripp: They shot that little girl, too. Shot her in cold blood...

Gabe: Marianna... my sister...

Tripp: What kind of animal does something like that?

Uriel: The worst kind...

Eleanor: Tripp. Uriel. I need you both to! Please.

Uriel: Understood Doc. C'mon Tripp. *starts walking off*

Tripp: Jesus fucking Christ. *walks away*

Eleanor then comes over to apply pressure to her wound with her gloves, so I take my hands off of her as Eleanor puts pressure on the wound, Kate screams at the top of her lungs as I look at my hands which are soaked in her blood.

Gabe: *looks at my hands* Oh my god...oh my god...

Eleanor: No exit wound. Bullet's in there, deep. Gotta get it out to know how bad the damage is.

Gabe: Please, let me do something!

Eleanor: Gabe, I need to concentrate...

Gabe: I-I know I can help! I can handle this.

Me: Go on, Gabe. Wait outside.

Gabe: I'm not going anywhere!

Me: Hey! This is not a debate!

Gabe then runs off as I turn to look at Eleanor.

Eleanor: I need you to clean the wound.

I then start cleaning the wound with a wet cloth.

Eleanor: Okay, that's good. Kate? *Kate looks at her* I'm going to reach in and pull the bullet out.

Kate nods.

Eleanor: *to me* I need you to keep the wound open as wide as possible. Take both sides and pull. Hard.

Me: Okay.

I then pull open her wound as she begins screaming, Eleanor begins to take the bullet out of Kate as more screams of pain echo through Prescott. Eleanor eventually gets the bullet out as I take my hands off of the wound.

Me: How's it look?

Eleanor doesn't respond, and looks at me with sympathy. She then turns back to look at Kate.

Eleanor: Kate? You're bleeding inside. I have to get in there and stitch you up, okay?

Kate: *groans* Okay.

Eleanor: I'm not gonna lie to you, it's going to hurt. A lot. *to me* Keep the wound open. No matter what. On three. One... two... three!

I squeeze the wound open again as Eleanor begins stitching her up. Blood flowing everywhere, and screaming that is as loud as a wolves howl. Eventually, Kate finishes up.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now