Chapter 71: The New Frontier

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Clem's POV:

I have been in the New Frontier for a week now. AJ is sick but they're doing nothing about it, so I'm taking things into my own hands. I'm currently sneaking around the camp holding AJ.

Me: We're gonna get you the medicine you need, AJ. I don't care what they say.

I spot the place where Lingard keeps all of his medical equipment. I sneak my way over, once I'm there, I place AJ on a box. I turn to my right only to see Lingard. I jump for second, only to quickly realise he is knocked out cold.

AJ: *coughs and starts crying*

I begin to hum (Y/N)'s song. He eventually calms down. I then look at the medicine Lingard has stored. I need to find vancomycin. I spot a vial and syringe. The vial is has "Vancomycin" labeled on it. I then noticed something.

Me: It had to be a shot.

I take the vial and syringe as I then turn to look at AJ.

Me: Hang in there, goofball. This is gonna get you better.

I then load up the syringe, once I do, I hear the sound of something to my right.

Lingard: Clem...

I turn to my right to see Lingard with bloodshot eyes and pale skin.

Me: Dr. Lingard? What's the matter with you?

Lingard: I'm... I'm fine... *notices I have a syringe* Clem, please don't. The vancomycin, that's the last of it. It'll be wasted on AJ. *I glare at him* I told you, it could save someone's life if used right.

Me: It's the only thing that can save him.

Lingard: Except it can't! I'm sorry, Clem... I tried everything. I-I really did.

Me: This will help him get better.

Lingard: Nothing can help your boy now. Oh, Clem. Put the drugs back, before anyone finds out you took them. You know what they do to thieves here.

Me: I have to try.

I then hold AJ's arm out as I prepare to inject him.

Me: Shh. *I turn to look at some random area* Hey, look AJ, a bunny rabbit!

AJ looks over at the area as I inject the syringe into him.

AJ: *crying extremely loud*

Me: AJ! Shhh!

???: What the hell is this?

I turn around to see David. I quickly pick up AJ and run only to be surrounded by some of his men.

Lingard: She... I told her it was a bad idea!

David just stares at me, then looking at Lingard.

David: You fucking high again? *walks up and pulls him back up violently* Pull yourself together before the others see you! Deal with the damn kid. *turns to look at me* What the fuck were you thinking!? You were told those drugs couldn't help him! How could you be so stupid!? So selfish?!

Me: I had nothing left to lose! AJ was gonna die if I didn't.

David: He's gonna die anyway! That waste? That'll cost someone's life down the road. Someone in this camp! Someone who contributes to our survival!

Ava: C'mon, David... She was just trying to help her kid.

David: We helped enough! We should have left him out in the woods a week ago!

Me: But look! It's helping...

Lingard: It doesn't work that way, Clem. You brought him a peaceful moment, nothing more. I wish I could tell you it would save him. But that's the reality.

Me: Then it was worth it.

David: We opened our arms to you; made you one of us! This is how you repay us!? By stealing!? By putting yourself before the group!? You're done here. You broke our rules, Clem. Violated our trust. There's no place for you in the New Frontier.

Me: This was about his survival. So don't you dare judge me!

David: It's always about survival! We have a better chance of it with you gone.

Lingard: Maybe we should give her another chance...

David: *looks at Lingard* Don't fight me on this, Paul. You know what Joan would say if she was here. *looks back at me* I'm sorry, Clem. You brought this on yourself.

Me: *glaring angrily at David* Come on, AJ. We don't need this place anyway.

I try and leave, only for David's men to stop me.

David: Uh-uh. He stays. Can't take him with you. That ship has sailed.

Me: *I turn around to look at David* You're cruel. You don't even want to take care of him!

Lingard: Clem, he's in no condition to travel.

Ava: Let him go, Clem... He'll only drag you down out there.

David then holds me as Ava takes AJ from my arms.

Me: Nooooo!!!! You monsters!!!

I just stand there, Ava hands AJ over to Lingard as I roll up my sleeve, showing the New Frontier brand.

Me: What about this? What was it all for? Don't forget. I'm one of you!

David: Not, anymore.

Tears begin to threaten to fall down my face.

Ava: Let her say goodbye. We owe her that much at least.

David: Fine. You heard her. Say what you need to say, then you go.

I walk up to AJ as tears fall from my face.

Me: *crying* I love you, goofball.

I then kiss his forehead.

Me: *crying* I love you.

David: Come on, Clem.

I then turn around and start walking away, I look back only for AJ to try and reach out for me.

AJ: Clem...

(Y/N)'s POV:

My vision slowly comes to, I notice someone holding me in their arms. Once my vision fully adjusts, who I saw made my eyes widen in shock and my sanity level slightly returns.

Me: Kenny...

Kenny: *looks at me shocked* OH MY GOD! (Y/N)!

I'm back and ready to upload way more frequently. My next break will most likely be when season 3 ends. 984 words.

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