Chapter 21: Stop The Train

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Lee's POV:

25 minutes later.

The train was pretty fast as I look outside.

Chuck: Got to be hard on ya, eh? Three adults taking care of four kids; (looks at Ben) no disrespect, son.

Chuck looked back outside.

Me: There were more of us.

Chuck: Dead get'em?

Me: No.

Chuck: Ah. Livin' got 'em.

Duck then coughs out blood.

Katjaa: LEE! Lee. I need you. Right now. I need you to go get Ken.

Me: What's...

Katjaa: Would you get that off of his face? My hands are full here.

I pick up a rag.

Katjaa: Thank you. Could you just get that off his face, please?

I then wipe the blood off of Duck's mouth.

Katjaa: He's out of time. We need to stop this train.

Me: Okay.

Katjaa: Please.

I then tell Y/N, Clementine, Ben and Chuck that I'm stopping the train. I walked across the train into the cab as I saw Kenny driving it.

Me: You need to stop the train.


Me: Katjaa needs you, Kenny.

Kenny: Duck will be fine.

Me: I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk like that right now.

Kenny: Go back there and tell my wife everything will be fine. What's the goddamn deal? He's a little sick, but we can't just quit. It's a scratch! He's not like the other. Jesus, all ya'll are just makin' it worse.

Me: This isn't about Duck.

Kenny: The hell it's not. You think we're pals and you know me? You're some elitist prick with a fancy education who can pick me apart?

Me: It's not like that.

Kenny: The fuck it isn't.

Me: You think you're the reason Duck was bitten. Like you had this coming, or something. Y/N needed help and you helped him back after he saved your son, so you didn't kill Hershel's son.

Kenny: Yes, I did. And now it's catching up to me.

Me: That's not what went down. You looked out for a little boy who saved your kid and a bad thing happened to someone else's.

Kenny: There ain't no way this world let's my son live when I helped put someone else's in the ground.

Me: That's not the way it works. You know that.

I put my hand on Kenny's shoulder, he looked at me with a angry look.

Me: Stop the train, man.

I then see him look sad as he looked back and pulled the brakes as the train stopped. Me, Katjaa, Duck and Kenny hop out the train.

Katjaa: Ken. It's... I think it's time.

Kenny looks at Chuck.

Kenny: The boy's been bit. In case you haven't figured that out.

Chuck looked to the ground in sadness.

Me: Take as long as you need.

Kenny: There ain't no time left to take. What are we gonna do?

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now