Chapter 109: (Y/n) and Harold

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(Y/n)'s POV:


What's... going on? My head hurts, everything is black, and I can't feel anything. I can only think right now.

Oh. Lilly must've captured me. Jeez, how many times have I been kidnapped at this point? Wait a second, I'm starting to feel my body again.

???: Wa.. up.


???: .p.

I can barely hear you.

???: Wake up!

I feel myself become fully conscious again, my eyes slowly open up to a boy somewhere around my age.

???: Finally.

Me: Who the hell are you?

This headache is actually killing me right now, but more importantly where am I? It seems like some sort of rusty room. I'm tied up too.

Harold: My name's Harold. So, you're the mighty (Y/n) I've heard so much about.

Me: Wow. Lilly talked that highly of me? Well, the feelings not mutual. I hate her guts.

Harold: That's really obvious. So you're the guy that Josh mentioned.

Me: Josh? What do you know about him?

Harold: I was an inhabitant in Wellington believe it or not. Me and him fought each other once, punched me without reason so I thought I'd defend myself.

There is something off about this guy, he sounds so arrogant and prideful. 

Me: I didn't get to know him that much but he didn't seem like the type of guy who would fight without reason.

Harold: Oh? And if you don't mind, I'm curious on how you lost your eye.

Me: None of your business. Just tell me why you're really here. Obviously not for and locations or anything since you already know that much, and it was something to do with Lilly she would be here and not you. Plus, you look like you have tons of things to ask me even though you have the slightest clue about me.

Harold: Hm, I see. I know more about you already. You're a boy who is clinging to his last semblance of sanity. Your hands are trying to reach out to insanity but the shining lights of loved ones are pulling you back down and keeping you stable. Not to mention that thirst for revenge that dwells deep within you.

Me: What are you rambling about?

Harold: I'm letting you know I've read you like a book. And now that I'm seeing it, we're both very similar.

Me: How so?

Harold: For starters we've lost so much, both on the brink of insanity, and we love the same person. Clementine.

Oh wow. I can't help but laugh at this.

Me: Well Harold, sorry to burst your bubble but you're way too late!

Harold: I see. Well, no use complaining. I'm still not going to let these feelings I have go away.

Me: Is this why you're here? You just want to have a chat?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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