Chapter 4: The Drugstore

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Kenny's POV

After a few hours we arrived in Macon.

Kenny: "Well, this is as far as we're going."

Lee: "Then it's far enough." Lee said as he hoped out of the car.

Everyone then hoped out the car, I looked over and saw Y/S/N staying as close as possible to Y/N. Y/N saved my son, he is a brave boy. I thought as we continued to walk.

Duck: "Look." He said pointing to someone.

I then walked slightly forward.

Kenny: "Hey there! You friendly? Truck's run out of gas."

However he turned his face and it was one of those things.

Kenny: "FUCK!"

I yelled as more zombies showed up, causing us to get surrounded. Then a zombie was on top of Duck and about eat my boy only to hear, a gunshot.

A woman with a gun started firing into the zombie horde as me and Katjaa hugged Duck.

???: "RUN!!!" A random guy said.

We all went into a drugstore with the guy putting a padlock on the gate to the store.

Lee's POV:

We all got inside as Y/N and Y/S/N sat down.

???: "We can't take risks like this!" Another woman said.

???: "And we can't just let people die, either." The woman who saved us said.

???: "When I SAY 'that door stays shut no matter what' I fucking MEAN it. We don't know who these people are; they could be dangerous!"

???: "Worse, they could've led them right to us." An old man said.

???: "Where the hell is your humanity, they would've died out there."

???: "Then we let 'en!"

Lee: "We have kids with us."

Old Man: "Does it look like I give a SHIT!"

Clem then holds my hands, it looks like she wants something.

Lee: "What is it?"

Clem: "I...I have to pee."

Lee: "In a minute Clem."

Man with a Hat: "They've got kids, Lilly."

Lilly: "Those things outside don't care."

Kenny: "Maybe you should go join 'em, then. You'll have something in common!"

Old Man: "God Damnit Lilly, you have to control these people."

Lilly: "Carley and Glenn just ran out there."

Old Man: "I don't give a flying fuck! We're in a warzone!"

Lee: "She's the leader here. But it looks like she's losing control of her people."

Lilly: "If you were in my shoes you'd be th.."

Old Man: "Holy SHIT. Son of a bitch, one of them is bitten!"

Y/S/N: "What the fuck are you talking about dumbass!"

Old Man: "What did you say to me girl? That boy is bitten!" He said pointing at Duck.

Lee: "He wasn't bitten."

Old Man: "Hell he wasn't! We have to end this, now."

The old man then walked up to Duck and Katjaa, only for Kenny to get in the way.

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