Chapter 55: Amid The Ruins

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was taken back by Clementine's sudden yelling, she also had some tears in her eyes.

Me: What?

Clem: Why did you cut Sarita's arm off, we know it doesn't work, Lee tried it.

Me: Well incase you forgot, Reggie had a walker bite and they cut his arm off and he survived. Maybe Lee was just... unlucky.

Clem: You're right about killing Sarita but not cutting her arm off.

Me: WHY?! She would've still died.

Clem: Well maybe Kenny could've had more moments to say goodbye and she didn't have to suffer while dying.

Me: You don't fucking get it, Clementine! I tried the best I could and I thought YOU out of all people would've understood, but I was wrong. I've now lost an eye, an eye I lost to protect you.

Clem: Yeah, but--


She instantly has more anger on her face as she stands up.

Clem: The balls you have to yell at me! Just leave me alone!


I walk away from Clementine, Mason walks up to me.

Mason: You okay?

Me: I'm fine, Mason.

Mason: I might be 9 years old but I know what I saw there, everyone did.

I sigh as I look at him.

Mason: Look, give it time and Clementine will come around. She's a good friend for you, and I know you like her.

Me: What?

Mason: Friends fight all the time, no. Everyone fights, doesn't matter who you are, family, friend, girlfriend, just give her time.

Me: Thanks, Mason.

Mason: Not a problem.

He smiles and I smile back as he walks back to Jack and the others.

My Thoughts: Well, time to talk to Kenny.

I walk up to Kenny. He is currently looking to the ground.

Kenny: Sarita... God, wherever you are... Please forgive me... I can't be alone again...

Me: Kenny?

He slowly looks up at me, he has more anger than Clementine!

Kenny: You think I don't know what y'all are whispering about over there? And talkin' with Clementine? "What's wrong with Kenny?" "Why's Kenny acting that way?" Do you think Kenny's okay?" "She would've still died." It's all I hear from anyone anymore.

Me: Kenny... I'm so sorry about Sarita--

Kenny: Sorry, huh? Well that's nice of you, seeing as this was your fault in the first place.

Me: I tried my best, Kenny.

Kenny: I think your best would've been doing nothing.

Me: I TRIED OKAY. I'm sorry.

Kenny: You think because you're a little boy you can just get people killed and no one will care? That because you're "sorry" it'll all magically go away? That's not how it works!

I look over and see Jane, Jack, Mason, Mike, Bonnie and Rebecca looking at me with guilt.

Kenny: Now for the last time, just get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now