Chapter 36: The Marsh House

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Lee's POV:

I watch in horror as (Y/N) jumps down and picks up the walkie-talkie.

Me: (Y/N)! Goddamnit get back up! 

(Y/N): Yeah I know. I got it now so we can move on.

Me and Kenny try and to reach our hands but it's too far down.

Kenny: Fuck, we can't reach. Everyone find something fast!

Your POV:

I hear walkers in the room!

Me: Fast would be acceptable.

Lee: Okay, Christa and Omid keep an eye on (Y/N). Me and Kenny will try and find something.

Christa: You got it!

Omid: Your gonna be okay buddy.

Me: Yup.

Lee and Kenny begin searching for something as Christa and Omid keep an eye on me.

Christa: Did you try and jump?

Me: Yes, I'm jumping right now!

Omid: Shit.

Lee and Kenny then come back with a pole as they hang it down to me.

Lee: Grab onto this, we'll pull you up.

Me: Okay.

I grab onto the pole as Lee begins lifting me up, only for me my hands to slip and I fall with the pole and hit the ground on my back, the pole lands next to me making a loud noise!

I look up and see Lee, Christa, Omid and Kenny all eye wide and worried for me. I hear walkers around me as I then spot a shadow of one!

Omid: Shit! They're in there!

Everyone tries and reach for me again as I try and jump to their hands but it's no use.

Omid: Fuck! Jump up here, bud!

Christa: Come on!

Lee: Let's go! JUMP!

Me: What do you think I'm doing?!

I jump as high as I can but no use. Kenny then kneels down like he's going to...

Kenny: Me and my fuckin' mouth...

Kenny jumps in with me.

Lee: Kenny, what are you doing?!

Omid: Get him, Ken!

Kenny boosts me up.

Boat God: Can't have said all that shit and not do somethin' now. Come on, reach!

Kenny lifts me up high enough for Lee and Omid to grab my hand as Christa watches.

Omid: I gotcha bud!

Christa: You got this (Y/N)!


Christa then helps bring me up as Kenny pulls his gun out and shoots one shot into the darkness. Everyone pulls me out as I'm now safe, BUT KENNY ISN'T!

Lee: Get Kenny!

We see walkers but no sign of Kenny.

Lee: Jump up here, Ken! I'll grab you!


We hear Kenny punching the walkers.


We him struggling to fight.

Lee: NO!!!

Kenny: Go! I'll... I'll be... just get (Y/N) outta here... and...

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now