Chapter 69: Insane

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The man cuts more of my skin while I just watch him cut me. I smile at the sight of my blood dripping down from my wrist. Not feeling any pain whatsoever anymore.

Man: Doesn't this hurt you?

Me: No...

His eyes widen. He then leaves the room as I fall unconscious.

My eyes open to reveal a dark house, I walk through a hallway as a certain door catches my eyes. It has writing on the door written in blood, "In Here!" I walk up to the door and twist the knob, once the door opens I peak inside to see a kid facing the other side of me crying.

I approach the kid, once I got close enough I put my hands on his shoulders, only for him to turn around. It's my nine year old self. But he was slightly different, well, the only difference being that both of his eyes were missing, blood pouring off of them.

Young Me: You failed them...

His voice was echoing.

Me: Failed who?

Young Me: Everyone...

He then points to the left, I look over to see a pile of dead bodies.

Chuck, Carley, Duck, Katjaa, Sarita, Jack, Milky, Sarah, Mason, Kenny, Luke, (Y/S/N), Lee and Clementine all laying down. They then stand up, now walkers.

Walker Carley: You... are a disgrace...

Walker Duck: A failure...

Walker Sarita: A mistake...

Walker Katjaa: A killer...

Walker Chuck: A nothing...

Walker Mason: A dumbass...

Walker Jack: A nobody...

Walker (Y/S/N): A waste of oxygen...

Walker Luke: A worthless child...

Walker Kenny: No one ever cared about you!

Walker Milky: *hisses at me*

Walker Lee: We only took care of you out of pity!

Walker Clem: And we're all dead because of you!

They continue all taking turns throwing numerous insults at me as I finally snapped.

Me: NOOOO!!!!!

The voices stop, I open my eyes and only one of the walkers remain, Clem.

Walker Clem: I've never loved or cared for you, nobody has.

Tears begin falling from my face.


Walker Clem: I'm more real than you've ever thought...

This is a dream right? Maybe I can wake myself up or maybe call for one of the people in my dream.


Walker Clem: They're not coming.

She starts to walk closer to me, I try and move but I can't, I can only watch as the Walker Clem gets closer with each step.

Walker Clem: Carver should've finished you off.

She took another step, I managed to move again as I ran up and punched Clem in the face. After I did that, I notice she changed back to normal and looked up at me with a broken nose.

Clem: *crying* Why?

Me: You can't fool me, I know I'm dreaming!

I then kick Clem in the face, which causes her head to get impaled against a rod, blood pours out of her brain. Even though it wasn't real, it... looked real. I then heard someone behind me.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now