Chapter 9: The Woods

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3 months later

Lee's POV:

Out in the woods, with my axe at hand I slowly approach a unsuspecting walker and put the axe deep into his skull, killing it. I looked down and found out it ate something.

Mark: "Dammit. What'd they get this time?"

Me: "Looks like a rabbit."

Mark: "Well, that's another meal lost."

We then walked off.

Mark: "I still can't believe we went through all that commissary food in 3 months! It seemed like so much at the time."

Me: "Maybe you shouldn't have opened the door."

Mark: "Yeah, except then I'd probably BE food by now. Trust me, I have no regrets."

Me: "A rabbit's hardly a meal, Mark, but... I'd take it. We're all hungry."

Mark: "No kidding. When I accidentally grabbed for Carley's rations the other night, I thought she was gonna take off my hand!"

Me: "We're all ok edge. Just cut her some slack."

Mark: "Yeah, you're right. I wish I knew for sure how much food we have left."

Me: "Not enough. According to Lilly we've just about hit the last of our food reserves. Some people might have to go without tonight."

Mark: "You mean 'Lilly's Lottery' again. Kenny's gonna be pissed."

Me: "She thinks everyone should have an equal chance of missing a meal."

Mark: "You think Kenny and Y/S/N are having any more luck than we are out here?"

Me: "I sure hope so."

Mark: "Yeah, between the lack of food and Kenny & Lilly fighting all the time, things are getting pretty tense back at the Motor Inn. Then you have Lilly blaming everything on Y/S/N."

Me: "God, and the fact that Lilly also brings Y/N into this is fucked up."

Mark: "Yea, you know Kenny's been talking about taking off if he can get that RV running."

Me: "He's got a wife and son to look out for."

Mark: "And they're safest in a big group. Going out on his own will get them ALL killed. Can't blame him, though... did you hear Larry going off on him last night? What's the old guy's deal, anyway? Seems like he's got a problem with you and Y/S/N in particular."

Me: "He's just an old racist asshole, that's his deal."

Mark: "Well, he needs to get over that and start finding a way to pull his weight. Heart problems or not, we should all be out here trying to find food. And I know Lilly thinks he's getting weaker, but the guy's all muscle! He's a walking piledriver! I know I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with him! And didn't he punch you in the face one time?"

Me: "Knocked me flat."

We then spot a crow fly onto a tree as we get in cover as Mark aims at the crow.

Me: "It's a long shot. I'd hate to waste the bullets."

Mark: "Trust me. If I don't think I can hit it, I won't shoot."

Mark then shoots the rifle and misses, the crow flies away. But before we could say anything we heard screaming in the distance.

Mark: "Shit! Was that Kenny?!"

Me: "I don't know! Cone on!"

We then run over to where the sound is coming from hoping Kenny and Y/S/N are alright. Once we arrived we saw 3 people, one of them was stuck in a bear trap.

Mark: "Jesus Christ..."

Student 1: "Oh shit!!! No. No... Please don't kill us! We just want to help our teacher!! We'll leave, I swear!"

Kenny and Y/S/N then rush out to us.

Y/S/N: "What the fuck is going on?"

Kenny: "Lee! You guys okay?"

Teacher: "Get it off!! Get it off, God Dammit, get it off me!!" He said while struggling with the trap.

Student 2: "Travis, maybe they can help!"

Student 1: "These might be the same people that raided our camps and... We barely got away from that!"

Y/S/N: "We haven't raided any camps EVER before, we can help!"

Mark: "What guys?"

Kenny: "Why the fuck is there a bear trap out here?"

Student 2: "I don't know, man..."

Me: "It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you."

Student 1: "Don't listen to them, Ben! Please, just let us go! We're not a threat to you!!"

Kenny: "Kid, chill out! We'll try to help you, but you've got to shut the fuck up!"

Mark: "Lee, this is fucked up. We've gotta help 'em."

Student 2: "PLEASE!"

Student 1: "Ben, shut up! My dad was Special Forces, I know what I'm doing!"

Y/S/N: "How can we help?"

Student 2: "Just see if you can get him out! After that you can leave us or whatever, I don't care! Please!"

Me: "Was he bitten?"

Student 2: "Bitten? No! I swear!"

Teacher: "Hurry... please hurry..."

Mark then kneeled down to look at the trap.

Mark: "Lee, this trap's been altered. There's no release latch."

Student 1: "...Oh, no."

Walkers then emerge from the woods.

Kenny: "Shit! Walkers! It's now or never, Lee."

Teacher: "Please... get me out of this!!"

Y/S/N: "We'll cover you!"

Me: "Mark, get the boys back! Kenny and Y/S/N, keep those walkers off of me!"

I mucked around with trap doing everything I think off. Throwing a rock, using the axe, my hands. I see no other option. I stood up and looked down at him.

Me: "I'm gonna have to cut you out!!"

Teacher: "No no no!!! Try the trap again!! Anything, please!!"

I then smashed the axe down on his leg as he cries in pain and blood splatters. I put the axe down again which completely cut into his leg, I do it a third time as blood is fucking everywhere. One last swing and his leg fully comes off as he passes out from the pain and blood lose.


Mark: "Shit. Is he...?"

Me: "He passed out."

Kenny: "If he's alive, grab him and let's go!!"

Mark then picks up the teacher as him, Kenny and Y/S/N run off towards The Motor Inn. I then see walkers behind one of the students.


Student 2: "TRAVIS!!!"

I then hold the other student in place so he doesn't get himself killed!

Me: "Come, come on! We gotta move!!"

The student looks behind him to see walkers coming up to him, he moves backwards as he trips and calls for help, but it's too late as the walkers get down and eat him alive!!!

Student 2: "NOOOO!!!!"

I then help get the surviving student to the Motor Inn.

Welp, that's that. Welcome to Season 1 Episode 2: Starved for Help. I have no words!!! 1130 words.

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